- 物理层安全 /
- 级联混沌 /
- 多参数加权分数傅里叶变换 /
- 比特置乱 /
- 星座加密
Abstract:To improve the secure transmission performance of the physical layer of wireless communication, a multiple parameters weighted-type fractional Fourier transform (MP-WFRFT) secure communication method based on multi-cascade chaotic encryption was proposed. The multi-cascade chaotic system based on Logistic mapping and Henon-Sine mapping was used to implement the first round of scrambling encryption for bit data and the second round of phase encryption for symbol data, and the third round of constellation encryption was carried out by using the constellation fission property of MP-WFRFT. This triple encryption scheme greatly enhanced the confidentiality of the communication system and effectively prevented brute-force attacks. Compared with the traditional low-dimensional chaotic encryption methods, the multi-cascade chaos based on Logistic mapping and Henon-Sine mapping had a larger key space and more complex system motion trajectory. For the application of multi-cascade chaotic encryption schemes in data encryption, a new bit scrambling and an improved mobile constellation rotation method were proposed to achieve data security. Simulation results and analysis show that the triple encryption scheme can effectively transmit messages securely without affecting transmission performance, and the bit error rate of non-cooperative receivers is consistently maintained at around 0.5 with only 10−15 deviations from the chaotic key.
表 1 仿真参数
Table 1. Simulation parameters
参数 数值 信号长度 65536 信道 AWGN 调制方式 QPSK d 32×32 g 4×4 l 1 $ \alpha $ 0.8 R [0,1,2,3] S [1,0,1,0] -
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