ε -level改进蝙蝠算法的航迹规划算法。根据无人机目标函数和约束条件,建立无人机三维航迹规划模型;其次,针对蝙蝠算法处理高维带约束问题存在的早熟现象,设计了自适应权重系数和迭代阈值以平衡算法的探索能力和开发能力,并结合ε- level比较策略提高算法对非凸非线性约束优化问题的处理能力;设计了转弯半径可变的Dubins曲线用来对航迹进行平滑处理并解决2个航迹点连线贯穿地形的问题。通过仿真实验,并与蝙蝠算法、粒子群优化算法、ε- level粒子群优化算法和ε -level差分进化算法相比较,所提算法在开发能力、稳定性和成功率等方面都表现出较优的性能。-
- 无人机航迹规划 /
- 蝙蝠算法 /
- 自适应权重系数 /
- ε-level比较策略 /
- Dubins平滑
Abstract:To address the problem of complex terrain environment and various threats and constraints, this article proposes a path planning algorithm for UAV based on
ε- level improved bat algorithm. First, according to the drone target function and constraints, a three-dimensional path planning model of the UAV is established. Second, in response to the precocious phenomenon in handling the high-dimensional constraints problem of the bat algorithm, the adaptive weight coefficient and iteration threshold are designed to balance the exploration and exploitation capabilities of bat algorithms. Furthermore, by integrating an ε-level comparative strategy, the algorithm's capability to handle issues of non-convex and non-linear constraints is enhanced. Additionally, a three-dimensional Dubins curve with variable turning radius is designed to smooth the path and solve the problem of penetrating the terrain of the two trails. Through simulation experiments and compared with BA, PSO,ε -PSO andε -DE, the algorithm proposed in this paper shows superior performance in terms of exploitation ability, stability and success rate. -
表 1 任务和威胁信息
Table 1. Task and threat information
km 威胁类型 威胁范围 导弹 ([190,180],90); ([650,460],80) 高射炮 ([480,540],80); ([850,650],70) 雷达 ([500,210],150); ([630,760],150) 禁飞区 ([100,360],[380,600]); ([710,890],[170,370]) 表 2 算法性能统计结果
Table 2. Algorithm performance statistics
算 法 最优/106 期望/106 最差/106 标准差/105 成功率/% $ \varepsilon \text{-} \mathrm{IBA} $ 1.249 1.388 1.558 0.7850 98 BA 1.377 2.632 3.359 5.906 36 PSO 1.264 2.726 3.658 6.525 28 $ \varepsilon \text{-} {{\mathrm{PSO}} } $ 1.260 1.523 1.869 1.583 64 $ \varepsilon \text{-} {{\mathrm{DE}}} $ 1.412 1.755 2.039 2.329 54 -
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