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王兴隆 尹昊 贺敏

王兴隆,尹昊,贺敏. 基于LSTM的机场飞行区活动目标潜在冲突预测[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(6):1850-1860 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0505
引用本文: 王兴隆,尹昊,贺敏. 基于LSTM的机场飞行区活动目标潜在冲突预测[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(6):1850-1860 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0505
WANG X L,YIN H,HE M. Potential conflict prediction of mobile targets in airfield areas based on LSTM[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(6):1850-1860 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0505
Citation: WANG X L,YIN H,HE M. Potential conflict prediction of mobile targets in airfield areas based on LSTM[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(6):1850-1860 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0505


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0505
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2020YFB1600101);国家自然科学基金(U2133207);天津市教育委员会自然科学重点基金(2020ZD01);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(3122020052)


  • 中图分类号: U8;V351.11

Potential conflict prediction of mobile targets in airfield areas based on LSTM

Funds: National Key R & D Program of China (2020YFB1600101); National Natural Science Foundation of China (U2133207); Natural Science Key Project of Tianjin Municipal Education Commission (2020ZD01); The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (3122020052)
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  • 图 1  活动目标网络示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of network of mobile targets

    图 2  西安咸阳机场飞行区示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of airfield area of Xi’an Xianyang Airport

    图 3  飞行区活动目标相对速度

    Figure 3.  Relative speed of mobile targets in airfield area

    图 4  飞行区活动目标网络演化过程

    Figure 4.  Network evolution process of mobile targets in airfield area

    图 5  飞行区活动目标网络潜在冲突指数

    Figure 5.  Potential conflict indicators of network of mobile targets in airfield area

    图 6  飞行区活动目标网络潜在冲突预测流程

    Figure 6.  Potential conflict prediction process of network of mobile targets in airfield area

    图 7  飞行区活动目标网络潜在冲突指数预测值

    Figure 7.  Predicted value of potential conflict indicator of network of mobile targets in airfield area

    图 8  网络平均度预测值与真实值

    Figure 8.  Predicted value and real value of average network degree

    图 9  网络平均点强预测值与真实值

    Figure 9.  Predicted value and real value of average network node weight

    图 10  平均加权聚类系数预测值与真实值

    Figure 10.  Predicted value and real value of average weighted clustering coefficient

    图 11  网络密度预测值与真实值

    Figure 11.  Predicted value and real value of network density

    图 12  网络效率预测值与真实值

    Figure 12.  Predicted value and real value of network efficiency

    表  1  网络演化特征指标

    Table  1.   Characteristic indicators of network evolution

    1 1.8666 1.4084 0.4166 0.0643 0.0953
    2 1.9310 1.4798 0.4459 0.0689 0.1014
    3 2.0000 2.3478 0.3919 0.0714 0.0927
    $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $
    6000 2.9230 2.9339 0.3452 0.0769 0.1253
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    表  2  KMO和Bartlett的检验

    Table  2.   Testing of KMO and Bartlett

    KMO值 近似卡方 df p
    0.578 107.190 10 0.000
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    表  3  主成分及其贡献率

    Table  3.   Principal components and their contribution

    编号 特征根 方差解释率/% 累积方差解释率/%
    1 2.595 51.899 51.899
    2 1.197 23.947 75.846
    3 0.772 15.445 91.292
    4 0.294 5.881 97.173
    5 0.141 2.827 100.000
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    表  4  载荷系数和公因子方差

    Table  4.   Load factors and common factor variances

    指标 载荷系数 公因子方差
    主成分1 主成分2
    网络平均度 0.950 0.076 0.908
    网络平均点强 0.590 0.414 0.519
    平均加权聚类系数 0.223 0.875 0.816
    网络密度 0.818 −0.165 0.696
    网络效率 0.791 −0.476 0.853
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    表  5  成分得分系数

    Table  5.   Component score coefficient

    指标 成分得分系数
    主成分1 主成分2
    网络平均度 0.366 0.064
    网络平均点强 0.227 0.346
    平均加权聚类系数 0.086 0.731
    网络密度 0.315 −0.138
    网络效率 0.305 −0.398
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    表  6  飞行区活动目标网络特征指标预测值

    Table  6.   Predicted value of characteristic indicators of network of mobile targets in airfield area

    1 3.3325 3.3504 0.4710 0.0697 0.0780
    2 3.5974 3.2623 0.4788 0.0709 0.0735
    3 3.2061 2.6007 0.4992 0.0645 0.0735
    $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $
    1000 2.9230 2.9339 0.3452 0.0769 0.1643
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    表  7  LSTM网络预测结果误差

    Table  7.   Errors of LSTM network prediction results %

    指标 ${e_{{\mathrm{MAE}}}}$ ${e_{{\mathrm{MRE}}}}$ ${e_{{\mathrm{MSE}}}}$
    网络平均度 9.900 4.160 1.608
    网络平均点强 27.820 16.914 13.126
    平均加权聚类系数 2.072 5.822 0.072
    网络密度 0.317 3.051 0.004
    网络效率 0.724 5.385 0.014
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    表  8  LSTM网络、RNN和ARIMA预测的eMRE

    Table  8.   Predictive eMRE of LSTM network, RNN, and ARIMA %

    指标 LSTM网络 RNN[16] ARIMA[17]
    网络平均度 4.160 9.351 6.168
    网络平均点强 16.914 27.543 22.268
    平均加权聚类系数 5.822 11.265 9.156
    网络密度 3.051 8.155 7.698
    网络效率 5.385 8.984 9.641
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