Abstract:In view of the problem of frequent conflicts in airfield areas, a method to predict the potential conflicts of mobile targets in airfield areas based on long short-term memory (LSTM) network was proposed. According to the complex network theory, aircraft and vehicles were taken as the research objects, and the network of mobile targets in the airfield area was established. The dynamic evolution model of the network was set, and the operation data was input to calculate multiple characteristic indicators of the network. In addition, the principal component analysis of the indicator time series was carried out to synthesize the potential conflict indicator. A LSTM network model was built by using the Keras framework, and the indicator time series were input into LSTM network for training and prediction and compared with other prediction methods. The actual operation data of Xi’an Xianyang Airport were used for experiments. The predicted values were compared with the real values. The mean square errors of the predicted results of each indicator were 1.608%, 13.126%, 0.072%, 0.004%, and 0.014%, respectively. The results show that the potential conflicts can be described from different perspectives by using characteristic indicators of the network after the network model of mobile targets in the airfield area is built. LSTM network can effectively predict the potential conflicts in the network of mobile targets in the airfield area, remind relevant personnel to prevent conflicts, and reduce the probability of conflicts.
表 1 网络演化特征指标
Table 1. Characteristic indicators of network evolution
效率1 1.8666 1.4084 0.4166 0.0643 0.0953 2 1.9310 1.4798 0.4459 0.0689 0.1014 3 2.0000 2.3478 0.3919 0.0714 0.0927 $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ 6000 2.9230 2.9339 0.3452 0.0769 0.1253 表 2 KMO和Bartlett的检验
Table 2. Testing of KMO and Bartlett
KMO值 近似卡方 df p 0.578 107.190 10 0.000 表 3 主成分及其贡献率
Table 3. Principal components and their contribution
编号 特征根 方差解释率/% 累积方差解释率/% 1 2.595 51.899 51.899 2 1.197 23.947 75.846 3 0.772 15.445 91.292 4 0.294 5.881 97.173 5 0.141 2.827 100.000 表 4 载荷系数和公因子方差
Table 4. Load factors and common factor variances
指标 载荷系数 公因子方差 主成分1 主成分2 网络平均度 0.950 0.076 0.908 网络平均点强 0.590 0.414 0.519 平均加权聚类系数 0.223 0.875 0.816 网络密度 0.818 −0.165 0.696 网络效率 0.791 −0.476 0.853 表 5 成分得分系数
Table 5. Component score coefficient
指标 成分得分系数 主成分1 主成分2 网络平均度 0.366 0.064 网络平均点强 0.227 0.346 平均加权聚类系数 0.086 0.731 网络密度 0.315 −0.138 网络效率 0.305 −0.398 表 6 飞行区活动目标网络特征指标预测值
Table 6. Predicted value of characteristic indicators of network of mobile targets in airfield area
效率1 3.3325 3.3504 0.4710 0.0697 0.0780 2 3.5974 3.2623 0.4788 0.0709 0.0735 3 3.2061 2.6007 0.4992 0.0645 0.0735 $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ 1000 2.9230 2.9339 0.3452 0.0769 0.1643 表 7 LSTM网络预测结果误差
Table 7. Errors of LSTM network prediction results
% 指标 ${e_{{\mathrm{MAE}}}}$ ${e_{{\mathrm{MRE}}}}$ ${e_{{\mathrm{MSE}}}}$ 网络平均度 9.900 4.160 1.608 网络平均点强 27.820 16.914 13.126 平均加权聚类系数 2.072 5.822 0.072 网络密度 0.317 3.051 0.004 网络效率 0.724 5.385 0.014 -
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