Abstract:Network virtualization technology abstracts the nodes and links resources in the physical network and enables multiple virtual networks (VNs) to share the substrate network (SN) resources through the virtual network embedding (VNE) method. For time-triggered Ethernet (TTE) used in avionics, a time-triggered traffic scheduling-oriented VNE (TT-VNE) method was proposed. While meeting the total resource constraints of the traditional VNE problem, the method ensured the strict periodicity of time-triggered (TT) traffic. During the solution process, the method sorted the virtual nodes according to the TT traffic bandwidth requirements and the total bandwidth requirements of the links connected to the virtual nodes, embedded the virtual nodes using the breadth-first search algorithm, and planned the virtual links in candidate shortest paths. If the TT traffic in the current virtual link is not schedulable, the iterative design of local virtual node re-embedding and path planning is carried out. The simulation shows that the request acceptance rate of the TT-VNE method is not lower than that of existing methods, and when the number of virtual network requests in the star topology exceeds 30, its request acceptance rate is about 14.3% higher than the VNE-NTANRC-D method which only considers the network topology and resource attributes.
表 1 虚拟网络参数设置
Table 1. Parameter setting of virtual networks
参数名称 取值范围 虚拟节点数 U(2,4) 虚拟节点容量需求 U(5,10) 虚拟链路数 U((n−1),n(n−1)/2) 每条虚拟链路TT消息数 U(5,10) TT消息长度/ Bytes U(64,1518) TT消息周期/ms 2x3y 虚拟链路带宽/(Mb·s−1) $ U[{b}_{\text{TT}},\beta {b}_{\text{TT}}] $ -
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