A fault propagation path analysis method for flight control system based on improved FPPN
针对飞控系统多冗余、多闭环的结构特性,结合有向图模型和模糊Petri网( FPN )模型,构建飞控系统故障传播模糊概率Petri网( FPPN )模型,以解决飞控系统特定结构下的故障传播路径问题。改进的FPPN模型包含飞控系统有向图模型、故障传播特性量化计算模型和故障传播FPPN模型3个部分。采用面向对象技术分析飞控系统的功能行为和物理结构,综合复杂网络理论,构建系统故障传播有向图模型;引入Floyd算法,开展系统耦合关联分析,基于节点的度和边介数定义系统故障传播特性;在有向图模型的基础上,提出相应的结构映射规则,构建飞控系统故障传播FPPN模型,融合改进后的参数量化方法,设定2种推理算法对系统多冗余、闭环结构特性下的故障传播路径进行有效分析。通过数值分析与实例验证,获取飞控系统典型故障传播路径及路径上相关节点的状态值,验证所提方法的有效性。
- 飞控系统 /
- 复杂网络理论 /
- 有向图模型 /
- 模糊概率Petri网模型 /
- 故障传播路径分析
Abstract:In view of the multi-redundancy and multi-closed-loop structural characteristics of the flight control system, the directed graph model and the fuzzy Petri net (FPN) model were used, and a fuzzy probability Petri net (FPPN) model for fault propagation of the flight control system was constructed, so as to solve the fault propagation path of the flight control system with a specific structure. The improved FPPN model consisted of three parts:directed graph model of flight control system, quantitative calculation model for fault propagation characteristics, and FPPN model for fault propagation. A directed graph model of system fault propagation was built by analyzing the functional behavior and physical structure of the flight control system through object-oriented technology and utilizing complex network theory. The Floyd algorithm was introduced to carry out the system coupling correlation analysis, and the system fault propagation characteristics were defined based on the two indicators of node degree and edge betweenness. On the basis of the directed graph model, the corresponding structure mapping rules were proposed. The FPPN model for fault propagation of the flight control system was constructed. With the improved parameter quantization method, two reasoning algorithms were set to effectively analyze the fault propagation paths of the system with multi-redundancy and closed-loop structure characteristics. Through numerical analysis and example verification, the typical fault propagation path of the flight control system and the status value of the relevant nodes on the path were obtained, so as to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
表 1 系统网络结构中各节点对应的部件编号
Table 1. Part number corresponding to each node in system network structure
节点pi 名称 1 直流汇流条1 2 直流汇流条2 3 飞行增稳计算机 1 的供电跳开关 4 飞行增稳计算机2的供电跳开关 5 飞行增稳计算机 1 6 飞行增稳计算机 2 7 供电跳开关 8 飞行增稳计算机 1 面板控制按钮 9 飞行增稳计算机 2 面板控制按钮 10 方向舵配平复位按钮 11 方向舵配平按钮 12 方向舵配平指示器 13 交流汇流条1 14 交流汇流条2 15 方向舵配平继电器 1 16 方向舵配平继电器 2 17 方向舵配平作动筒 18 偏航阻尼作动筒 1 供电跳开关 19 偏航阻尼作动筒 2 供电跳开关 20 方向舵伺服控制器G 21 方向舵伺服控制器B 22 方向舵伺服控制器Y 23 方向舵舵面 表 2 各边的失效特性
Table 2. Failure characteristics of each edge
eij Hij eij Hij (1,3) 0.0083 (11,5) 0.0073 (2,4) 0.0083 (11,6) 0.0073 (2,7) 0.0097 (13,18) 0.0086 (3,5) 0.0089 (14,19) 0.0086 (3,15) 0.0093 (15,17) 0.0079 (4,6) 0.0089 (16,17) 0.0079 (4,16) 0.0093 (17,5) 0.0065 (5,12) 0.0078 (17,6) 0.0065 (5,15) 0.0088 (17,20) 0.0093 (6,12) 0.0078 (17,21) 0.0093 (6,16) 0.0088 (17,22) 0.0093 (7,12) 0.0100 (18,17) 0.0087 (8,5) 0.0076 (19,17) 0.0087 (9,6) 0.0076 (20,23) 0.0095 (10,5) 0.0069 (21,23) 0.0095 (10,6) 0.0069 (22,23) 0.0095 表 3 节点传播特性
Table 3. Node propagation characteristics
pi si pi si 1 0.0159 13 0.0159 2 0.0317 14 0.0159 3 0.0317 15 0.0476 4 0.0476 16 0.0476 5 0.1111 17 0.1428 6 0.1111 18 0.0317 7 0.0317 19 0.0317 8 0.0159 20 0.0317 9 0.0159 21 0.0317 10 0.0317 22 0.0317 11 0.0317 23 0.0476 12 0.0476 表 4 边传播特性
Table 4. Edge propagation characteristics
eij Sij eij Sij (1,3) 0.0234 (11,5) 0.0106 (2,4) 0.0213 (11,6) 0.0106 (2,7) 0.0042 (13,18) 0.0234 (3,5) 0.0085 (14,19) 0.0234 (3,15) 0.0314 (15,17) 0.0897 (4,6) 0.0063 (16,17) 0.0897 (4,16) 0.0341 (17,5) 0.0523 (5,12) 0.0182 (17,6) 0.0523 (5,15) 0.0705 (17,20) 0.0483 (6,12) 0.0160 (17,21) 0.0483 (6,16) 0.0705 (17,22) 0.0483 (7,12) 0.0042 (18,17) 0.0427 (8,5) 0.0213 (19,17) 0.0427 (9,6) 0.0213 (20,23) 0.0142 (10,5) 0.0106 (21,23) 0.0142 (10,6) 0.0106 (22,23) 0.0142 -
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