Reconfiguration control and motion simulation of tilt-rotor aircraft with multilinks
多节链式旋翼飞行器具有构形可变换的特点,是应对运动空间变化的一种有效构形设计方式。受限于构形变化下电机共轴带来的横向转动力矩的缺失,多节链式旋翼飞行器的动态重构飞行具有无法达成的临界构形区间。为此,设计了具备横向倾转的链式旋翼机体结构,以单机臂为模块化结构基本单元,通过旋转关节实现水平向的构形变化,机臂中段配置倾转矢量关节,用以提供滚转力矩支撑。在机体运动学、动力学模型推导的基础上,引入虚拟控制量对控制分配进行线性化处理,利用Moore-Penrose伪逆求解控制效率矩阵,面向全构形变换设计了基于全驱动控制的飞行控制律。对飞行器典型构形位姿控制的稳定性、构形变换控制的可行性进行实验论证,仿真结果表明:在飞行器各典型构形飞行状态下,姿态各轴向角度跟踪最大误差不超过0.05°,构形变换过程中,姿态各轴向角度跟踪误差不超出0.1°,2种情况下,位置偏差均能控制在1 mm以内,飞行器具备各构形下稳定飞行及构形变换的能力,为进一步开展动态重构及稳健飞行提供了必要条件。
Abstract:Multilinks rotorcraft has the characteristic of configuration transformation, which is an effective configuration design method to deal with the variation of motion space. The dynamic reconfiguration flight of Multilinks rotorcraft has a critical configuration interval that cannot be achieved because of the lack of lateral rotation moment cauased by motor co-axis under configuration change.In order to solve this issue, a chain rotor body structure with lateral tilting was designed, in which, the single arm was taken as the basic modular structure unit, the horizontal configuration was changed by rotating joints, and tilting vector joints were configured in the middle of the arm to provide rolling moment support. Based on the derivation of the kinematics and dynamics models, the control distribution was linearized by introducing virtual control variables, the control efficiency matrix was solved by using the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse, and the flight control law was designed for the full configuration transformation.Finally, experiments were carried out to show that configuration change is controllable and that the fully-actuated control stability of a typical configuration is possible. The simulation results show that the maximum error of axial angle tracking of attitude is less than 0.05° during all the typical configurations, in the condition of the whole configuration transformation it’s less than 0.1°, and in both cases, the position deviation can be controlled within 1 mm. The aircraft can fly stably when the configuration changes, which provides the necessary conditions for dynamic reconstruction and robust flight.
Key words:
- full drive control /
- tilt-rotor /
- variable structure /
- multilinks /
- dynamic reconfiguration /
- narrow space
表 1 动态PID参数
Table 1. Parameters of dynamic PID
状态 $ {K_{\mathrm{P}}} $ $ {K_{\mathrm{D}}} $ ① 40 15 ② 32 20 ③ 40 30 ④ 100 80 -
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