Abstract:The random error online compensation method of optical gyro establishes a random error model offline and compensates random error online by Kalman filter. However, when used for online compensation, the offline random error model has deviation due to the influence of the external environment and the stability of the gyro’s performance. In addition, changes in the external environment cause measurement noise with time-varying statistical characteristics, which does not meet the requirement that the Kalman filter must have known the noise’s prior statistics. The above factors reduce the online estimation accuracy of random error. Therefore, an online random error compensation method based on adaptive filtering is proposed. The influence of random error model deviation is reduced to time-varying virtual system noise by introducing virtual noise. In order to remove the effects of random error model deviation and time-varying measurement noise, the fading memory time-varying noise estimator is used to estimate and correct the statistical properties of the virtual system and measurement noise. The experimental results show that the proposed method can realize high-precision online compensation for random error, and has certain engineering application value.
Key words:
- random error /
- online compensation /
- model deviation /
- time-varying noise /
- adaptive filtering
表 1 补偿前后的输出结果对比
Table 1. Comparison of output result before and after compensation
(°)/s 方法 均值 均方差 补偿前 −1.33×10−6 3.06×10−3 传统方法 −3.65×10−7 8.21×10−4 本文方法 4.33×10−8 1.79×10−5 -
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