Martian terrain feature extraction method based on unsupervised contrastive learning
Abstract:Intelligent surface terrain recognition of Martian is significant for the autonomous exploration of Mars rovers. At present, the methods used for feature extraction of Martian terrain images are mainly divided into two categories: traditional shallow visual feature extraction and deep feature extraction based on supervised learning. However, these methods tend to lose image information and require a large amount of labeled data, which are key problems to be solved. A Martian terrain feature recognition method based on unsupervised contrastive learning was proposed. By establishing the image dictionary dataset, a single image was compared with other images in the dictionary dataset by using two groups of neural networks, namely “query” and “encode”. Then, the similarity function was used as the loss function to train the network, so as to realize the feature recognition of Martian terrain images. The proposed method could also recognize new types of terrain images outside the training dataset and showed superior performance in subsequent recognition and classification tasks. Simulation results show that the recognition accuracy of the proposed method is 85.4%, and the recognition accuracy of new terrain images is 84.5%.
Key words:
- contrastive learning /
- unsupervised /
- deep learning /
- Martian terrain /
- feature extraction
表 1 5类火星地形示例
Table 1. Examples of five types of Martian terrain
类别 典型图 影响 砂涟漪 导致车轮陷入
沙坑无法运转尖锐岩石 导致车轮破损 细砂 粒度小,
车轮滑转率小粗砂 粒度大,
车轮滑转率大基岩 硬度大,可通行,
易损坏车轮表 2 火星典型地形图像熵
Table 2. Entropy of typical Martian terrain images
类别 均值 方差 砂涟漪 6.3211 0.4777 尖锐岩石 6.6011 0.2715 细砂 7.1354 0.0088 粗砂 7.1962 0.0661 基岩 6.4962 0.1772 -
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