A comprehensive air-ground target attackability value ranking based on comprehensive weighting
Abstract:In the area of intelligent warfare, unmanned system combat capabilities have increasingly become an important factor in the military strength of major powers. When utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles for air-to-ground assault operations, it is imperative to assess and prioritize the enemy’s ground targets' strike values. This paper presents a newly developed index scheme to determine the threat values of both air and ground targets in a real-time fashion. In the proposed method, the weights of each threat factor were calculated through a combined method, using the entropy weight method and the analytic hierarchy process. Subsequently, the ranking of both air and ground targets is determined and visualized through a sectoral radar map. A number of ground and aerial targets are valued using a simulation example, and the result is a target value ranking that complies with the convention.
表 1 指标判断矩阵
Table 1. Indicator judgment matrix
指标 距离 速度 方位角 高度差 工作状态 重频 脉宽 载频 距离 1 1 5/3 5/3 5/7 5/1 5/1 5/1 速度 1 1 5/3 5/3 5/7 5/1 5/1 5/1 方位角 3/5 3/5 1 1 3/7 3/1 3/1 3/1 高度差 3/5 3/5 1 1 3/7 3/1 3/1 3/1 工作状态 7/5 7/5 7/3 7/3 1 7/1 7/1 7/1 重频 1/5 1/5 1/3 1/3 1/7 1 1 1 脉宽 1/5 1/5 1/3 1/3 1/7 1 1 1 载频 1/5 1/5 1/3 1/3 1/7 1 1 1 注:表内数据表示各指标间的相对重要程度,如第1行第2列的1表示速度的重要程度和距离的重要程度比值为1,即同等重要。 表 2 随机一致性指标
Table 2. Random coherence indicator
矩阵阶数 $S_{\mathrm{R.I.}}$ 矩阵阶数 $S_{\mathrm{R.I.}}$ 1 0 5 1.12 2 0 6 1.26 3 0.52 7 1.36 4 0.89 8 1.41 表 3 空中目标参数
Table 3. Aerial target parameters
GHza 50 300 −6 5 跟踪 12 8 10 b 40 325 33 6 制导 15 8 12 c 60 320 −51 5 扫描 10 6 8 d 100 330 12 9 跟踪 12 8 10 表 4 地面目标参数
Table 4. Ground target parameters
GHza 70 300 −15 5 扫描 10 6 8 b 50 300 −20 5 跟踪 12 8 10 c 80 300 37 5 扫描 10 6 8 d 120 300 60 5 扫描 10 6 8 表 5 各指标综合权重
Table 5. Indicator comprehensive weights
指标 权重 距离 0.1804 速度 0.1542 高度差 0.1025 方位角 0.1764 工作状态 0.2808 重频 0.0351 脉宽 0.0351 载频 0.0355 表 6 目标打击价值
Table 6. Target hitting value
目标 打击价值 空中目标a 0.5851 空中目标b 0.6366 空中目标c 0.2903 空中目标d 0.4757 地面目标a 0.3607 地面目标b 0.5381 地面目标c 0.2882 地面目标d 0.2265 -
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