Abstract:Aiming at the problem of poor feature extraction and feature matching in the underwater visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) front end, an image-enhanced algorithm based on weighted fusion is proposed for the underwater visual SLAM front end. Specifically, the algorithm is based on the fusion of two images: the second image is a white balance of gray world based on color judgment and color compensation, and the first image is an underwater image from brightness enhancement based on adaptive gamma correction and dynamic range expansion. Furthermore, the saliency weight and saturation weight of the two images are calculated, and the input images are linearly weighted and fused to obtain the final enhanced image.The system is tested using an open-source dataset from the University of South Carolina, and the improved underwater image quality is assessed using the techniques of underwater color image quality evaluation (UCIQE) and underwater image quality measurement (UIQM). Consequently, the results show that the processed image has the characteristics of high quality and a large number of extracted feature points, which can significantly improve the effect of front end feature extraction and feature matching of underwater visual SLAM.
表 1 UCIQE无参考水下图像质量评估结果
Table 1. Assessment results of no-reference underwater image quality with UCIQE
图像来源 水下图像1 水下图像2 水下图像3 水下图像4 原始水下图像 3.3788 3.2122 5.4047 4.8687 直方图均衡化处理 4.0025 4.2486 5.0472 5.1449 本文算法 5.3088 5.0171 6.5764 6.1352 表 2 UIQM无参考水下图像质量评估结果
Table 2. Assessment results of no-referenced underwater image quality with UIQM
图像来源 水下图像1 水下图像2 水下图像3 水下图像4 原始水下图像 0.0498 0.0698 0.2338 0.2118 直方图均衡化处理 0.4852 0.4524 0.6566 0.5556 本文算法 0.9575 1.0694 1.0917 1.0105 表 3 水下图像特征提取数
Table 3. Number of extracted feature points for underwater images
图像来源 水下图像1 水下图像2 水下图像3 水下图像4 原始水下图像 20 93 263 326 直方图均衡化处理 306 467 729 554 本文算法 620 780 4077 3560 表 4 水下图像正确的特征匹配对数
Table 4. Number of correct feature matching pairs for underwater images
图像来源 水下图像1、2 水下图像3、4 原始水下图像 7 15 直方图均衡化处理 39 17 本文算法 71 60 -
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