Abstract:Limited detecting range, low precision, and poor stability are just a few of the issues with obstacle detection and tracking that arise when using a single millimeter wave radar, or LiDAR, on an unmanned vehicle in a park. An obstacle-detecting and tracking approach based on the fusion of radar and LiDAR is proposed. Firstly, the improved Euclidean clustering algorithm is adopted to extract the objects in the road boundary from LiDAR point clouds. Furthermore, effective objects can be obtained from millimeter wave radar data which is handled based on an information filtering strategy. Then, the adaptive fusion of two kinds of objects described above is carried out based on the intersection over union and reliability analysis of objectdetection. The tracking gate and the joint probabilistic data association (JPDA) algorithm are performed to match sequence frames. In order to achieve obstacle tracking, the interacting multiple model and unscented Kalman filter method are finally put into practice. The experimental results show that the proposed method has higher accuracy and stability than using a single sensor for obstacle detection and tracking.
Key words:
- millimeter wave radar /
- LiDAR /
- unmanned vehicle /
- sensor fusion /
- obstacle tracking
表 1 不同传感器跟踪结果对比
Table 1. Comparison of tracking results of different sensors
处理方法 $ {N_{{\text{MOTA}}}} $/% $ {N_{{\text{IDS}}}} $ $ {N_{{\text{FRAG}}}} $ 激光雷达 86.69 14 20 毫米波雷达 74.03 21 36 融合策略 93.58 11 19 -
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