Abstract:The overall design concept of the servo pressure and friction test platform for aluminum alloy sheets under heating circumstances was designed with the aim of meeting the need for friction testing of aluminum alloy sheet stamping. A small-load high-precision multi-functional friction testing machine system suitable for aluminum alloy sheet forming was developed. The system consists of a mechanical system, a heating system and a control system. The mechanical system realizes the movement support of the upper tool and chuck. The heating system realizes the separate heating of tools and specimens. In the servo control mode, combined with the external force sensor and the grating ruler, the force and displacement control double closed loop system is realized, which realizes the high precision and stability control of the specimen pressure and the tool gap. Finally, the orthogonal experiment was designed to explore the influence of different factors on the friction of aluminum alloy blank. The results show that the friction tester has stable performance and good repeatability. The important order of factors affecting friction coefficient is tool temperature, pressure, speed, and lubricant. The lower the temperature, the greater the pressure, the faster the speed, and the smaller the friction coefficient. The same type of lubricant has less influence on the coefficient of friction. The tendency of the coefficient of friction decreasing decreases with increasing pressure and eventually becomes more steady.
Key words:
- friction tester /
- aluminum alloy sheet stamping /
- servo control /
- friction test /
- tribological behaviour
表 1 铝合金板材摩擦试验机参数指标
Table 1. Parameters index of aluminum alloy sheet friction tester
控制/mm≤2500 ≤±1 ≤2800 ≤100 ≤150 室温~300 ≤±1 0.7-1.5 ≤±0.1 ≤±0.02 表 2 试验分组明细
Table 2. Test group details
编号 长度/mm 宽度/mm 厚度/mm 表面状态 a 350 25 0.8 出厂防锈漆 b 350 25 1.2 c 350 35 0.8 d 350 35 1.2 表 3 区分度试验设置
Table 3. Distinction test setup
材料 润滑剂 压力/N 取样角度/(°) 温度/℃ 5182铝合金 FCT6130 400 0 室温 6016铝合金 ALUB VS 1100 90 100 表 4 不同工况下的摩擦系数
Table 4. Friction coefficients under different operating conditions
序号 润滑剂 模具温度/℃ 压力/N 拉伸速度/(mm·s−1) 摩擦系数 H1 F 室温 600 5 0.099 H2 F 100 1200 20 0.080 H3 F 150 1800 35 0.077 H4 A 室温 1200 35 0.032 H5 A 100 1800 5 0.080 H6 A 150 600 20 0.115 H7 Q 室温 1800 20 0.058 H8 Q 100 600 35 0.098 H9 Q 150 1200 5 0.117 表 5 正交试验分析结果
Table 5. Analysis results of orthogonal experiments
j Kj1 Kj2 Kj3 Rj 1 0.0853 0.0757 0.0910 0.0153 2 0.063 0.086 0.103 0.040 3 0.104 0.0763 0.0717 0.0323 4 0.0987 0.0843 0.0690 0.0297 注:Kji表示表4中j列i组摩擦系数之和的平均值,Rj为极差,即j列中每个因数的最大Kji与最小Kji之差。(j=1,2,3,4,分别应对表4中的第2~第5列,i=1,2,3, 分别对应表4中第j列中的3个分组,数值相同为1组)。 表 6 压力对摩擦影响试验设置
Table 6. Experimental settings for effect of pressure on friction
试验材料 取样
方向/(°)润滑剂 拉伸速度/
(mm·s−1)温度 压力/N 5182
铝合金90 FCT6130 10 室温 400,1100,
1800,2500表 7 拉伸速度对摩擦影响试验设置
Table 7. Experimental settings for the effect of speed on friction
试验材料 取样方向/(°) 润滑剂 拉伸速度/
(mm·s−1)温度 压力/N 5182铝合金 0 FCT6130 1,10,30,100 室温 1000 -
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