Dynamic modeling and parameter identification of balloon-borne gondola azimuth channel
Abstract:A balloon borne telescope is one of the space observation methods by carrying a telescope with a high-altitude balloon flying in the stratosphere. In order to slew and orient the telescope to the intended targets during the observation, an attitude control system is needed to provide high-resolution images. The attitude control system consists of azimuth and elevation channels, respectively. In this paper, the dynamic of balloon borne gondola and control law are discussed, Lagrange equation is introduced to modelling the kinematic characteristics of the azimuth channel. A minimum recursive doubled based parameter identification algorithm is developed to identify the torsional stiffness and damping coefficients in the azimuth channel offline. The results of simulations and experiments demonstrate that, in contrast to the conventional stability analysis method, the proposed method further reveals the azimuth channel motion characteristics of balloon-borne gondolas and serves as a valuable guide for the design and optimization of the platform's attitude control system.
表 1 组合惯导主要精度指标
Table 1. Main accuracy indexes of integrated inertial navigation
航向/(°) 姿态/(°) 数据更新/Hz 0.1(1σ) 0.05(1σ) 1 -
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