Heat transfer enhancement and ejection characteristics of mixing pipe with ribs for infrared suppressor
为了降低直升机分流引射式红外抑制器外露遮挡罩表面温度,提出抑制器外侧混合管表面肋片强化换热结构,采用数值模拟的方法,对抑制器混合管表面肋片结构下的引射和强化传热特性进行了研究。结果表明:与混合管表面无肋片结构相比,肋化的混合管表面对流换热增加了83%,辐射换热减少了31%,遮挡罩壁面平均温度降低了7 K;遮挡罩外侧狭缝进气面积增加后,二级引射冷气量增加了近3倍,遮挡罩壁面平均温度降低了18 K;在遮挡罩上、下位置增加引射口后,引射气流可直接作用于遮挡罩高温壁面,遮挡罩壁面热斑消失。
Abstract:This paper proposes an enhanced heat transfer structure with ribs on the outer mixing pipe surface of the infrared suppressor in order to lower the surface temperature of the exposed covering shelter of the helicopter infrared suppressor. The ejection and heat transfer enhancement characteristics under the ribbed structure of the infrared suppressor's mixing pipe surface are studied using a numerical simulation. The results show that the ribbed mixing pipe surface convective heat transfer is enhanced by 83%, the radiation heat transfer is reduced by 31%, and the average temperature of the covering shelter surface is reduced by nearly 7 K compared with the mixing pipe surface without rib structure. The amount of second-stage induced ambient air is increased by nearly triple, and the average temperature of the covering shelter surface is reduced by nearly 18 K when the slit-inlet area on the covering shelter is increased. The hot spot on the covering shelter vanishes when the ejector airflow can directly operate on the high-temperature surface of the covering shelter after the ejection apertures at the up and down positions of the covering shelter are increased.
Key words:
- infrared suppressor /
- ribs /
- ejection /
- covering shelter /
- heat transfer enhancement
表 1 红外抑制器二级引射狭缝布置参数
Table 1. The parameters of the infrared suppressor secondary pilot slits
模型 外侧狭缝/(mm×mm) 上、下侧狭缝/(mm×mm) 肋片 M0 480×15 无 M1 480×15 有 M2 480×5 有 M3 480×25 有 M4 480×15 73×15 有 表 2 网格独立性验证
Table 2. Grid independence verification
网格数 引射流量/(kg·s−1) 网格数 引射流量/(kg·s−1) 3.3×106 7.0×10−2 11.2×106 5.6×10−2 5.5×106 6.1×10−2 14.3×106 5.6×10−2 7.6×106 5.8×10−2 表 3 环境冷气进口质量流量
Table 3. Ambient cooler-air inlet mass flow rate
kg/s 模型 一级引射 二级引射 外侧 上侧 下侧 M0 1.628 0.056 M1 1.630 0.057 M2 1.633 0.022 M3 1.628 0.089 M4 1.628 0.056 8.4×10−3 8.5×10−3 表 4 混合管肋化表面热流密度
Table 4. Surface heat flux density on the mixing pipe
W/m2 模型 总热流密度 辐射热流密度 对流热流密度 M0 −2 320.2 −862.1 −1 458.1 M1 −3 266.4 −596.8 −2 669.6 -
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