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孙义博 王蓉 张琪 林榕辉

孙义博,王蓉,张琪,等. 面向可见光-红外图像的跨模态行人再识别方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(6):2018-2025 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0554
引用本文: 孙义博,王蓉,张琪,等. 面向可见光-红外图像的跨模态行人再识别方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(6):2018-2025 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0554
SUN Y B,WANG R,ZHANG Q,et al. A cross-modality person re-identification method for visible-infrared images[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(6):2018-2025 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0554
Citation: SUN Y B,WANG R,ZHANG Q,et al. A cross-modality person re-identification method for visible-infrared images[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(6):2018-2025 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0554


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0554


  • 中图分类号: O235;TP18

A cross-modality person re-identification method for visible-infrared images

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  • 图 1  AGW网络模型

    Figure 1.  AGW network model

    图 2  Non-local注意力机制

    Figure 2.  Non-local attention mechanism

    图 3  改进后的方法流程图

    Figure 3.  Improved method flow chart

    图 4  HSV颜色空间下的图像示例

    Figure 4.  Examples of an images in HSV color space

    图 5  轻量级模态生成器

    Figure 5.  Lightweight modal generator

    图 6  4种网络的CMC曲线

    Figure 6.  CMC curves for four networks

    表  1  数据集

    Table  1.   Datasets

    数据集 行人
    SYSU-MM01 491 4 2 30 071 15 792
    RegDB 412 1 1 4 120 4 120
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    表  2  基于HSV颜色空间的跨模态行人再识别方法性能比较

    Table  2.   Performance comparison of crossmodality person re-identification method based on HSV color space %

    方法 Rank-1 mAP mINP
    AGW(paper) 47.50 70.05 47.65 66.37 35.30 50.19
    AGW 51.00 86.90 49.02 81.96 35.42 72.78
    AGW_HSV 56.51 87.41 53.98 83.23 39.29 74.13
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    表  3  基于轻量级网络的跨模态行人再识别方法性能比较

    Table  3.   Performance comparison of crossmodality person re-identification method based on lightweight network %

    方法 Rank-1 mAP mINP
    AGW(paper) 47.50 70.05 47.65 66.37 35.30 50.19
    AGW 51.00 86.90 49.02 81.96 35.42 72.78
    AGW_XIN 56.81 85.69 54.14 80.68 39.29 70.50
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    表  4  基于HSV颜色空间和轻量级网络的跨模态行人再识别方法性能比较

    Table  4.   Performance comparison of cross-modality person re-identification method based on HSV color space and lightweight network %

    方法 Rank-1 mAP mINP
    AGW(paper) 47.50 70.05 47.65 66.37 35.30 50.19
    AGW 51.00 86.90 49.02 81.96 35.42 72.78
    AGW_HSV_XIN 57.67 88.08 55.49 83.11 41.01 73.20
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    表  5  不同模型性能比较

    Table  5.   Performance comparison of different models %

    方法 Rank-1 mAP mINP
    Zero-Pad[1] 14.8 17.75 15.95 18.90
    HCML[18] 14.32 24.44 16.16 20.08
    eBDTR[19] 27.82 34.62 28.42 33.46
    HSME[20] 20.68 50.85 23.12 47.00
    D2RL[6] 28.9 43.4 29.2 44.1
    MAC[5] 33.26 36.43 36.22 37.03
    MSR[21] 37.35 48.43 38.11 48.67
    AlignG[22] 42.4 57.9 40.7 53.6
    AGW(paper)[9] 47.50 70.05 47.65 66.37 35.30 50.19
    AGW 51.00 86.90 49.02 81.96 35.42 72.78
    AGW_HSV 56.51 87.41 53.98 83.23 39.29 74.13
    AGW_XIN 56.81 85.69 54.14 80.68 39.29 70.50
    AGW_HSV_XIN 57.67 88.08 55.49 83.11 41.01 73.20
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