V 分量,降低模型对颜色信息的依赖性;通过轻量级网络对V 分量图像进行降维和升维,生成介于可见光和红外图像的中间模态,缩小模态间的差异性;在SYSU-MM01和RegDB数据集上进行性能评估。性能评估结果为Rank-1的数值分别增加了6.67%、1.18%,mAP的数值分别增加了6.47%、1.15%,mINP的数值分别增加了5.59%、0.42%。Abstract:We propose a cross-modality person re-identification strategy for visible-infrared images, which aims to lower the sensitivity of the model to image color information and narrow the difference between visible and infrared modalities. First, the visible image is transformed into HSV color space, and the
V component, which only describes the light and dark information of the image, is extracted to reduce the dependence of the model on color information. Second, to lessen the disparity between the modalities, a lightweight network downscales and upscales theV component image to provide an intermediate modality between visible and infrared images. Finally, evaluated on the SYSU-MM01 and RegDB datasets, The values of Rank-1 is improved by 6.67% and 1.18%, the values of mAP is improved by 6.47% and 1.15%, and mINP is improved by 5.59% and 0.42%, respectively. -
表 1 数据集
Table 1. Datasets
数据集 行人
数量/张SYSU-MM01 491 4 2 30 071 15 792 RegDB 412 1 1 4 120 4 120 表 2 基于HSV颜色空间的跨模态行人再识别方法性能比较
Table 2. Performance comparison of crossmodality person re-identification method based on HSV color space
% 方法 Rank-1 mAP mINP SYSU-MM01 RegDB SYSU-MM01 RegDB SYSU-MM01 RegDB AGW(paper) 47.50 70.05 47.65 66.37 35.30 50.19 AGW 51.00 86.90 49.02 81.96 35.42 72.78 AGW_HSV 56.51 87.41 53.98 83.23 39.29 74.13 表 3 基于轻量级网络的跨模态行人再识别方法性能比较
Table 3. Performance comparison of crossmodality person re-identification method based on lightweight network
% 方法 Rank-1 mAP mINP SYSU-MM01 RegDB SYSU-MM01 RegDB SYSU-MM01 RegDB AGW(paper) 47.50 70.05 47.65 66.37 35.30 50.19 AGW 51.00 86.90 49.02 81.96 35.42 72.78 AGW_XIN 56.81 85.69 54.14 80.68 39.29 70.50 表 4 基于HSV颜色空间和轻量级网络的跨模态行人再识别方法性能比较
Table 4. Performance comparison of cross-modality person re-identification method based on HSV color space and lightweight network
% 方法 Rank-1 mAP mINP SYSU-MM01 RegDB SYSU-MM01 RegDB SYSU-MM01 RegDB AGW(paper) 47.50 70.05 47.65 66.37 35.30 50.19 AGW 51.00 86.90 49.02 81.96 35.42 72.78 AGW_HSV_XIN 57.67 88.08 55.49 83.11 41.01 73.20 表 5 不同模型性能比较
Table 5. Performance comparison of different models
% 方法 Rank-1 mAP mINP SYSU-MM01 RegDB SYSU-MM01 RegDB SYSU-MM01 RegDB Zero-Pad[1] 14.8 17.75 15.95 18.90 HCML[18] 14.32 24.44 16.16 20.08 eBDTR[19] 27.82 34.62 28.42 33.46 HSME[20] 20.68 50.85 23.12 47.00 D2RL[6] 28.9 43.4 29.2 44.1 MAC[5] 33.26 36.43 36.22 37.03 MSR[21] 37.35 48.43 38.11 48.67 AlignG[22] 42.4 57.9 40.7 53.6 AGW(paper)[9] 47.50 70.05 47.65 66.37 35.30 50.19 AGW 51.00 86.90 49.02 81.96 35.42 72.78 AGW_HSV 56.51 87.41 53.98 83.23 39.29 74.13 AGW_XIN 56.81 85.69 54.14 80.68 39.29 70.50 AGW_HSV_XIN 57.67 88.08 55.49 83.11 41.01 73.20 -
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