Short linkable-and-redactable ring signature and its blockchain correcting application
- 知识证明签名 /
- 动态累加器 /
- 简短关联可编辑环签名 /
- 时间更新变色龙哈希 /
- 区块链修正
Abstract:Linkable-and-redactable ring signatures (LRRS) could improve the anonymity of blockchain, prevent double-flower attacks and correct blockchain data, but its signature size increased with the increase of ring members. With the aim of addressing the issue, this paper combined the existing LRRS and short ring signature with a dynamic accumulator to gather the public keys of ring members. Subsequently, new signatures were created based on knowledge proofs (SPK) derived from the original SPK, a short LRRS (SLRRS) was suggested, and a new blockchain correcting protocol was suggested based on the signature. In the random oracle model, the proposed signature is proved to be unforgeable, anonymous and linkable. Performance analysis demonstrates that as the number of ring members rises, the size of the current signatures grows, but the size of the proposed signature stays constant. In addition, the duration of these signatures increases, but the proposed signature's time climbs the slowest.
表 1 各签名方案性能对比
Table 1. Performance comparison of signature schemes
方案 签名生成 签名验证 编辑 更新 签名大小 LRRS[12] $\begin{gathered} (5n + 1){T_{\rm{e}}} + (4n + 2){T_{\rm{m}}}+ \\\quad\quad (n + 2){T_{\rm{H}}} + {T_{\rm{i}}} \\\end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered}(2n + 2){T_{\rm{e}}} + (3n + 1){T_{\rm{m}}}+ \\\quad\quad(n + 1){T_{\rm{H}}}\\\end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered} (4n + 2){T_{\rm{e}}} + (7n + 1){T_{\rm{m}}}+\\\quad\quad (n + 2){T_{\rm{H}}} \\\end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered}2n{T_{\rm{e}}} + 4n{T_{\rm{m}}} +\\ \quad\quad(n + 1){T_{\rm{H}}} + 2{T_{\rm{i}}} \\\end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered} (2n + 1)||G|| + \\\quad\quad n||{\bf{Z}}_q^*|| + ||{{\bf{Z}}_q}|| \\\end{gathered} $ R-LRRS[13] $\begin{gathered}(3n + 4){T_{\rm{e}}} + 3n{T_{\rm{m}}} +\\\quad\quad(n + 3){T_{\rm{H}}} + (3n + 1){T_{\rm{P}}} \\\end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered} (3n + 1){T_{\rm{e}}} + (3n - 2){T_{\rm{m}}} +\\\quad\quad(n + 2){T_{\rm{H}}} + (3n - 2){T_{\rm{P}}}\end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered}6{T_{\rm{e}}} + (3n + 2){T_{\rm{m}}} + 3{T_{\rm{H}}} +\\\quad\quad (3n + 1){T_{\rm{P}}} + {T_{\rm{i}}}\\\end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered}(2n + 1)||G|| +\\\quad\quad n||{\bf{Z}}_q^*|| + ||{{\bf{Z}}_q}|| \\\end{gathered} $ SLRRS $ 10{T_{\rm{e}}} + (n + 5){T_{\rm{m}}} + 3{T_{\rm{H}}} $ $5{T_{\rm{e}}} + (n + 3){T_{\rm{m}}} + 3{T_{\rm{H}}} + 2{T_{\rm{i}}} $ $10{T_{\rm{e}}} + (n + 9){T_{\rm{m}}} + 4{T_{\rm{H}}} + 2{T_{\rm{i}}} $ $\begin{gathered}10{T_{\rm{e}}} + (n + 9){T_{\rm{m}}} + \\\quad\quad 3{T_{\rm{H}}} + 4{T_{\rm{i}}} \\\end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered}5||G|| + 2||{U_f}|| +\\\quad\quad 2||{{\bf{Z}}_q}||\\\end{gathered} $ -
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