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王杰昌 刘玉岭 张平 刘牧华 李杰

王杰昌,刘玉岭,张平,等. 简短关联可编辑环签名及其区块链修正应用[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(6):1911-1920 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0557
引用本文: 王杰昌,刘玉岭,张平,等. 简短关联可编辑环签名及其区块链修正应用[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(6):1911-1920 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0557
WANG J C,LIU Y L,ZHANG P,et al. Short linkable-and-redactable ring signature and its blockchain correcting application[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(6):1911-1920 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0557
Citation: WANG J C,LIU Y L,ZHANG P,et al. Short linkable-and-redactable ring signature and its blockchain correcting application[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(6):1911-1920 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0557


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0557
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2021YFF0307203);国家自然科学基金(U1904119);河南省科技攻关项目(222102210079,232102210138);河南省高等学校重点科研项目(23A520046)


  • 中图分类号: TP309.2

Short linkable-and-redactable ring signature and its blockchain correcting application

Funds: National Key R & D Program of China (2021YFF0307203); National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1904119); Key Science and Technology Program of Henan Province (222102210079,232102210138); Key Scientific Research Project of Higher Institutions in Henan Province (23A520046)
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  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  各方案签名阶段时间对比

    Figure 1.  Time comparison of each scheme in signature stage

    图 2  各方案验证阶段时间对比

    Figure 2.  Time comparison of each scheme in verification stage

    图 3  各方案编辑阶段时间对比

    Figure 3.  Time comparison of each scheme in redaction stage

    表  1  各签名方案性能对比

    Table  1.   Performance comparison of signature schemes

    方案 签名生成 签名验证 编辑 更新 签名大小
    LRRS[12] $\begin{gathered} (5n + 1){T_{\rm{e}}} + (4n + 2){T_{\rm{m}}}+ \\\quad\quad (n + 2){T_{\rm{H}}} + {T_{\rm{i}}} \\\end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered}(2n + 2){T_{\rm{e}}} + (3n + 1){T_{\rm{m}}}+ \\\quad\quad(n + 1){T_{\rm{H}}}\\\end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered} (4n + 2){T_{\rm{e}}} + (7n + 1){T_{\rm{m}}}+\\\quad\quad (n + 2){T_{\rm{H}}} \\\end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered}2n{T_{\rm{e}}} + 4n{T_{\rm{m}}} +\\ \quad\quad(n + 1){T_{\rm{H}}} + 2{T_{\rm{i}}} \\\end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered} (2n + 1)||G|| + \\\quad\quad n||{\bf{Z}}_q^*|| + ||{{\bf{Z}}_q}|| \\\end{gathered} $
    R-LRRS[13] $\begin{gathered}(3n + 4){T_{\rm{e}}} + 3n{T_{\rm{m}}} +\\\quad\quad(n + 3){T_{\rm{H}}} + (3n + 1){T_{\rm{P}}} \\\end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered} (3n + 1){T_{\rm{e}}} + (3n - 2){T_{\rm{m}}} +\\\quad\quad(n + 2){T_{\rm{H}}} + (3n - 2){T_{\rm{P}}}\end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered}6{T_{\rm{e}}} + (3n + 2){T_{\rm{m}}} + 3{T_{\rm{H}}} +\\\quad\quad (3n + 1){T_{\rm{P}}} + {T_{\rm{i}}}\\\end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered}(2n + 1)||G|| +\\\quad\quad n||{\bf{Z}}_q^*|| + ||{{\bf{Z}}_q}|| \\\end{gathered} $
    SLRRS $ 10{T_{\rm{e}}} + (n + 5){T_{\rm{m}}} + 3{T_{\rm{H}}} $ $5{T_{\rm{e}}} + (n + 3){T_{\rm{m}}} + 3{T_{\rm{H}}} + 2{T_{\rm{i}}} $ $10{T_{\rm{e}}} + (n + 9){T_{\rm{m}}} + 4{T_{\rm{H}}} + 2{T_{\rm{i}}} $ $\begin{gathered}10{T_{\rm{e}}} + (n + 9){T_{\rm{m}}} + \\\quad\quad 3{T_{\rm{H}}} + 4{T_{\rm{i}}} \\\end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered}5||G|| + 2||{U_f}|| +\\\quad\quad 2||{{\bf{Z}}_q}||\\\end{gathered} $
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