An elliptical damage detection method using full matrix capture for stiffened plate
Abstract:Damage detection on spacecraft structures is crucial for ensuring the reliability of the spacecraft. Acoustic localization based on Lamb waves is a common method for damage detection. However, the existence of stiffeners, which are commonly used in spacecraft structures, will produce reflection, transmission, and superposition on the propagation of the Lamb waves in the plate, making it bad or even impossible to detect the damage in the stiffened structure using the general method. I This study presents an approach to precisely localize damage in stiffened plates using whole matrix elliptical image localization, which is based on complete matrix capture and model correction. The full matrix capture method is introduced into elliptic imaging localization for focusing, thereby mitigating errors arising from signal attenuation and interference attributed to stiffeners. Considering the wave propagation around and directly, an arrival time compensation strategy is proposed for eliminating the delayed superposition effects of stiffeners on Lamb waves. The full-matrix elliptical imaging method is effective in improving damage signal focussing, as demonstrated by experiments on both flat and stiffened plates. The arrival time compensation model could be used to obtain precise damage localization.
Key words:
- Lamb wave /
- elliptical imaging /
- wavelet transform /
- stiffened plate /
- structural health monitoring
表 1 各个传感器和损伤的位置坐标
Table 1. Position coordinates of all sensors and damages
项目 编号 位置坐标(x,y)/m 传感器 R1 (0.2,0.4) R2 (0.4,0.4) R3 (0.4,0.2) R4 (0.2,0.2) R5 (0.200,0.25) R6 (0.40,0.25) 损伤 D1 (0.3,0.4) D2 (0.30,0.35) D3 (0.45,0.30) 表 2 各个压电传感器位置坐标
Table 2. Position coordinates of all piezoelectric sensors
编号 正面坐标(x,y)/m 背面坐标(x,y)/m R1 (0.4,0.2) (0.2,0.2) R2 (0.35,0.20) (0.25,0.20) R3 (0.3,0.2) (0.3,0.2) R4 (0.25,0.20) (0.35,0.20) R5 (0.2,0.2) (0.4,0.2) R6 (0.15,0.20) (0.45,0.20) R7 (0.1,0.2) (0.5,0.2) T0 (0.2,0.4) (0.35,0.40) -
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