Abstract:In order to improve the active safety and handling stability of multi-axle special vehicles, taking a heavy-duty 5-axle special vehicle as the research object, based on the adaptive coordinated control strategy, an integrated active rear wheel steering (ARS) and differential Hierarchical stability integrated control strategy for differential braking torque distribution (DBTD). The decision-making layer decides the coordinated control instructions of the ARS and DBTD sub-control systems based on the rules. The distribution layer uses the feedforward and feedback control technique to achieve the distribution of the active steering wheel angle, and it uses the synovial film control and specified rules to realize the distribution of the wheel differential braking torque. The control effect of the control strategy is verified by the co-simulation of Trucksin and Simulink, and the motion states of the stability-controlled vehicle and the uncontrolled vehicle under the two extreme conditions of high-attachment high maneuvering steering and low-speed low-attachment steering are compared and analyzed. The findings demonstrate that, under high-speed and high-speed situations, the integrated control system-controlled vehicle’s amplitudes of the yaw rate and side-slip angle are lowered by 46% and 63%, respectively, in comparison to the uncontrolled vehicle. With the working conditions, the yaw rate and the center of mass sideslip amplitude of the vehicle are reduced by 47% and 58% respectively compared with the uncontrolled vehicle. The integrated control system can effectively improve the driving stability of the vehicle during high-speed steering and low-speed low-speed steering. Steering sensitivity and path following performance.
Key words:
- special vehicle /
- active steering /
- differential braking /
- integrated control /
- rules control
表 1 制动控制规则
Table 1. Braking control rules
理想横摆角速度判断 横摆角速度判断 制动控制策略 $ {\omega _{{\textit{z}}{\text{d}}}} > 0 $ $ \left| {{\omega _{\textit{z}}}} \right| < \left| {{\omega _{{\textit{z}}{\text{d}}}}} \right| $ 左侧车轮制动 $ \left| {{\omega _{\textit{z}}}} \right| > \left| {{\omega _{{\textit{z}}{\text{d}}}}} \right| $ 右侧车轮制动 $ {\omega _{{\textit{z}}{\text{d}}}} < 0 $ $ \left| {{\omega _{\textit{z}}}} \right| < \left| {{\omega _{{\textit{z}}{\text{d}}}}} \right| $ 右侧车轮制动 $ \left| {{\omega _{\textit{z}}}} \right| > \left| {{\omega _{{\textit{z}}{\text{d}}}}} \right| $ 左侧车轮制动 表 2 协调控制策略
Table 2. Coordinated control strategy
率判断横摆角速度判断 横摆角速度偏差判断 控制策略 $ {\mathrm{LTR}} < {\mathrm{LT}}{{\mathrm{R}}_{\text{d}}} $ $ \left| {{e_\omega }} \right| \lt {e_1} $ 不控制 $ \left| {{e_\omega }} \right| \geqslant {e_1} $ DYC $ {\mathrm{LTR}} \geqslant {\mathrm{LTR}}_{\text{d}} $ $ \left| {{e_\omega }} \right| \lt {e_1} $ ARS $ \left| {{e_\omega }} \right| \geqslant {e_1} $ $ {{\mathrm{sgn}}} ({a_y}) = {{\mathrm{sgn}}} ({e_\omega }) $ ARS+DYC $ {{\mathrm{sgn}}} ({a_y}) \ne {{\mathrm{sgn}}} ({e_\omega }) $ 先ARS后DYC 表 3 车辆模型主要参数
Table 3. Main parameters of vehicle model
参数 数值 整车质量/kg 54048 轮距/m 2.56 1轴距质心的轴距/m 5.784 2轴距质心的轴离/m 3.384 3轴距质心的轴离/m 1.116 4轴距质心的轴离/m 3.516 5轴距质心的轴离/m 5.916 质心高度/m 1.36 轮胎半径/m 0.628 整车绕x轴的转动惯量/(kg·m2) 230700 整车绕y轴的转动惯量/(kg·m2) 852500 整车绕z轴的转动惯量/(kg·m2) 72536.8 -
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