- 异常检测 /
- 飞行数据 /
- 最大信息系数 /
- Pearson相关系数法 /
- 卷积神经网络
Abstract:With the maturity of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology, UAVs are being used more and more widely in the military and civilian fields. Meanwhile, the safety of UAV is gradually being emphasized. The health of the UAV’s flight can be immediately reflected in its flight data. Anomaly detection research for UAV flight data is one of the important ways to improve the overall safety of UAVs. In this paper, we propose a convolutional neural network (CNN) anomaly detection method based on correlation parameter selection for flight data. Firstly, we use the maximal information coefficient (MIC) and Pearson correlation coefficient method to explore the correlation among flight parameters and establish a set of correlations between flight parameters. Then, we use the correlation flight parameters to train the convolutional neural network regression model. Finally, the anomalies were determined based on the residuals between the true and predicted values of the model. The false positive rate, false negative rate, and accuracy indexes of the approach suggested in this work were 0%, 0.19%, and 99.6%, respectively, demonstrating the method’s superiority. The method was confirmed using actual UAV flight data.
表 1 相关参数对
Table 1. Relevant parameters
相关飞行参数对 相关飞行参数对 侧向过载-真侧滑角 右副翼指令-侧向过载 侧向过载-俯仰角 右副翼指令-真侧滑角 地速-空速 右副翼指令-俯仰角 地速-高度 右方向舵指令-偏航角速率 俯仰角-天向速度 右方向舵指令-横滚角 俯仰角-法向过载 右方向舵指令-轴向过载 俯仰角-攻角 右方向舵指令-俯仰角 攻角-空速 右方向舵指令-攻角 滚转角速率-横滚角 真侧滑角-俯仰角 滚转角速率-侧向过载 轴向过载-俯仰角 滚转角速率-真侧滑角 轴向过载-攻角 滚转角速率-俯仰角 轴向速度-天向速度 横滚角-侧向过载 左副翼指令-滚转角速率 横滚角-真侧滑角 左副翼指令-侧向过载 横滚角-俯仰角 左副翼指令-真侧滑角 空速-高度 左副翼指令-俯仰角 偏航角速率-横滚角 左方向舵指令-右方向舵指令 偏航角速率-轴向过载 左方向舵指令-偏航角速率 偏航角速率-俯仰角 左方向舵指令-横滚角 偏航角速率-攻角 左方向舵指令-轴向过载 右副翼指令-左副翼指令 左方向舵指令-俯仰角 右副翼指令-滚转角速率 左方向舵指令-攻角 右副翼指令-横滚角 表 2 异常检测结果
Table 2. Abnormal detection results
方法 异常类型 假阴率/% 假阳率/% 准确率/% KNN 偏差异常 1.2 96.0 48.7 静态异常 0.8 100 65.5 点异常 0.5 0 99.5 SVR 偏差异常 18.2 2.5 90.1 静态异常 19.7 2.0 86.9 点异常 17.3 0 82.8 Corr-CNN 偏差异常 0.18 0 99.6 静态异常 0.2 0 99.6 点异常 0.2 0 99.6 -
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