A system group maintenance scheduling method based on iteratively dynamic information
Abstract:Availability is an important index to measure the service efficiency of equipment system. At present, most of the group maintenance frameworks for system availability optimization are static, which cannot make full use of health status information to effectively adjust real-time maintenance plans. To address these problems, this paper proposes an intelligent group maintenance planning approach based on a dynamic information iterative mechanism. By creating a two-level group maintenance scheme that couples pre-planned maintenance with opportunistic maintenance, the suggested approach is entirely compatible with common fault distribution features like sudden failure type and degradation type. Based on the real-time age and condition information of components in each group, we iteratively update the next grouping time and the sequence of components to be repaired. The numerical experience result demonstrates that the suggested strategy works better at lowering downtime and enhancing the system’s steady availability than conventional static group maintenance.
表 1 各部件的退化/失效参数
Table 1. Degradation/failure parameters of components
系数$\nu $扩散
系数$\sigma $形状
参数$\alpha $尺度
参数$\beta $D1 25 0.481 0.407 D2 20 0.473 0.412 D3 15 0.432 0.428 T1 1.021 0.012 T2 1.282 0.025 T3 1.252 0.028 T4 1.083 0.021 T5 1.102 0.010 表 2 各部件的维修所需时间
Table 2. Maintenance durations of components
部件编号 预防性维修工时${t_{{\text{pr}}}}$/h 修复性维修工时${t_{{\text{cr}}}}$/h D1 1 6 D2 1.5 12 D3 2 15 T1 1.5 12 T2 2 15 T3 1 9 T4 1.5 12 T5 2 15 表 3 各部件最佳维修间隔及最大稳态可用度
Table 3. Optimal maintenance interval and maximum stable availability of components
部件编号 期望寿命/h 部件级最佳维修间隔/h 最大稳态可用度 D1 52 52 0.931 D2 42 48 0.951 D3 35 43 0.956 T1 85 26 0.772 T2 51 22 0.786 T3 45 19 0.757 T4 52 19 0.761 T5 110 32 0.796 表 4 T=100 h下的系统级最优维修计划
Table 4. Optimal system-level maintenance plan under T=100 hours
修次数最优维护组 成组维修
比例/%1 {T1,T2,T3,T4} 19 0.08 4.5 2 {D3,T2,T3,T4,T5} 38 0.12 4.1 3 {D1,D2,T1} 48 0.07 2.7 4 {T2,T3,T4} 57 0.07 2.7 5 {D3,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5} 74 0.10 3.9 6 {D1,D2,T1,T2,T3,T4} 93 0.14 4.9 -
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