An automatic and real-time detection method of IoT in-the-wild vulnerability attack
Abstract:The vast number of Internet-connected internet of things (IoT) devices are susceptible to hacking and exploitation, which can lead to the paralysis of critical IoT applications. Vulnerability exploitation is a common method of attack on IoT devices; however, due to the diverse, mutable, and highly disguised forms of in-the-wild vulnerability exploitations, it is extremely challenging to quickly and automatically identify ongoing vulnerability attacks targeting IoT devices. To address this, a detection method for IoT vulnerability attacks based on a hybrid deep learning discrimination and open-source intelligence correlation is proposed. This detection method can identify IoT in-the-wild vulnerability attack behaviors in network traffic in real-time and accurately identify the specific categories of vulnerability attack behaviors. Experimental results show that the proposed detection method achieves an accuracy rate of over 99.99% on large-scale datasets. The application of the proposed detection method in real-world scenarios has been significant, discovering 13 new in-the-wild vulnerability attacks within less than a month.
表 1 最近3年部分在野利用IoT漏洞示例
Table 1. Some inofficial IoT exploit examples in past three years
CVE编号 漏洞名称 针对设备 CVE_2021_33544 UDP_Technology_Geutebruck_IP_Cameras_Command_Injection IP摄像头 CVE_2021_33514 HTTP_Router_NetgearGC108P Netgear路由器 CVE_2021_31755 Tenda_AC11_Router_Stack_Buffer_Overflow_Vulnerability 腾达路由器 CVE_2021_28799on QNAP_NAS_Hybrid_Backup_Sync_Command_Injecti QNAP NAS设备 CVE_2021_20090 Arcadyan_Buffalo_Routers_Configuration_File_Injection Buffalo组件的路由器 CVE_2021_1497 Cisco_HyperFlex_HX_Data_Platform_Command_Execution Cisco管理平台 CVE_2020_9054_ Zyxel_NAS_RCE_Attempt_Inbound Zyxel NAS设备 CVE_2020_8949 Gocloud_Router_Remote_Code_Execution Gocloud路由器 CVE_2020_8515 DrayTek_Vigor_RCE Vigor路由器 CVE_2020_35713 Linksys_RE6500_1_0_11_001_Remote_Code_Execution Linksys路由器 CVE_2020_35576 TpLink_TLWR841N_Command_Injection Tplink路由器 CVE_2020_17456 Seowon_Route Seowon路由器 CVE_2020_13872 DLink_DIR_865L_Ax120B01_Command_Injection Dlink路由器 CVE_2020_10987 Tenda_AC15_AC1900_goform_setUsbUnload_RCE 腾达路由器 表 2 F1和ACC实验结果
Table 2. Experimental results of F1 and ACC
表 3 模型每轮训练时间
Table 3. Model training time in each round
样本数量/106 训练时间/min Bert[29]模型 本文模型 1 62 71 1.5 89 102 2.5 127 146 4.5 146 167 表 4 IoT漏洞攻击中的攻击目标及攻击参数
Table 4. Attack targets and parameters in IoT exploits
漏洞编号 攻击目标 攻击参数 CVE_2021_33544 /uapi-cgi/certmngr.cgi action,createselfcert,local CVE_2021_33514 cgi/setup.cgi token CVE_2021_31755 /goform/setmac mac,wifien,wifissid CVE_2021_28799 /cgi-bin/backup/hbs_mgnt.cgi run_cmd,jisoosocoolhbsmgnt CVE_2021_20090 /images/../apply_abstract.cgi action,submit_button,action_params,arc_ping_ipaddress CVE_2021_1497 /storfs-asup action,token CVE_2020_9054 /cgi-bin/weblogin.cgi adv,username,password CVE_2020_8949 /cgi-bin/webui/admin/tools/app_ping/diag_ping/ None CVE_2020_8515 cgi-bin/mainfunction.cgi action,keypath,loginPwd CVE_2020_35713 /goform/setSysAdm AuthTimeout, admpasshint CVE_2020_35576 /cgi? maxhopcount, numberoftries, host CVE_2020_17456 /cgi-bin/system_log.cgi Command, traceMode CVE_2020_13872 /portal/__ajax_explorer.sgi Action/path/where/en CVE_2020_10987 /goform/setUsbUnload setUsbUnload 表 5 IoT漏洞攻击中常见的攻击指令
Table 5. Common attack commands in IoT exploits
攻击指令类型 关键词 样本植入 wget,curl,tftp,fetch 反弹回连 bash-i,tmp/socat exec 探测 Nc,echo,dnslog 隐藏痕迹 Rm,mv,base64,decodeHex 命令执行 chmod, system,md5sum, busybox ,exec -
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