Software robot-based application behavior simulation for cyber security range in industrial control field
Abstract:The cyber security range in the industrial control field provides important support for studies on industrial control system (ICS) security. The application behavior simulation is a crucial task for the cyber security range in the industrial control field. Therefore, a software robot method was proposed to realistically simulate the application behavior for the cyber security range in the industrial control field. By considering software graphical interfaces and explicit and implicit software rules, a software menu acquisition algorithm based on scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) for image similarity, as well as a hybrid hierarchical state machine model was developed to model application behaviors. In view of the intelligent problem of the software robot, a deep Q network (DQN) algorithm was utilized to drive the software robot to autonomously learn the application behavior. At the same time, the DQN algorithm was optimized by combining multiple experience replays and multiple target networks. The experiment results show that the software robot based on DQN can effectively learn the industrial control software, and the optimized DQN algorithm has a better autonomous learning effect.
表 1 实验参数设置
Table 1. Parameter setting in experiment
软件行为模拟机器人位置 目标按钮位置 学习率$ \alpha $ 迭代训练次数$ I $ 折扣因子$ \gamma $ 经验池大小 批大小 最大移动次数 (0,3) (1,0) 0.03 5000 0.9 1000 200 50 -
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