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毕亚萍 张腾 何宇廷 张天宇 王长凯

毕亚萍,张腾,何宇廷,等. 基于寿命包线的飞机典型搭接结构腐蚀疲劳寿命预测[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(8):2200-2206 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0604
引用本文: 毕亚萍,张腾,何宇廷,等. 基于寿命包线的飞机典型搭接结构腐蚀疲劳寿命预测[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2023,49(8):2200-2206 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0604
BI Y P,ZHANG T,HE Y T,et al. Corrosion and fatigue life prediction of aircraft typical lap structures based on life envelope[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(8):2200-2206 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0604
Citation: BI Y P,ZHANG T,HE Y T,et al. Corrosion and fatigue life prediction of aircraft typical lap structures based on life envelope[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,49(8):2200-2206 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0604


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0604
基金项目: 国家科技重大专项(J2019-Ⅰ-0016-0015); 国家自然科学基金(52005507,52175155)


  • 中图分类号: V247+.45;TG498.1

Corrosion and fatigue life prediction of aircraft typical lap structures based on life envelope

Funds: National Science and Technology Major Project (J2019-Ⅰ-0016-0015); National Natural Science Foundation of China (52005507,52175155)
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  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  试验件构型

    Figure 1.  Test piece configuration

    图 2  试验件表面

    Figure 2.  Surface of the test piece

    图 3  试验夹具与试验件装配图

    Figure 3.  Assembly diagram of test fixture and test piece

    图 4  疲劳试验现场

    Figure 4.  Fatigue test site

    图 5  腐蚀试验现场

    Figure 5.  Corrosion test site

    图 6  某型飞机机身壁板搭接结构的结构寿命包线

    Figure 6.  Structural life envelope of a fuselage wall panel lap structure for an aircraft type

    图 7  某型飞机机身壁板搭接结构在甲、乙、丙、丁4个地区的结构寿命包线

    Figure 7.  Structural life envelope of certain aircraft fuselage panel overlap structure in areas A, B, C and D

    表  1  纯疲劳试验结果

    Table  1.   Fatigue test results

    0-1138 32417 290.5
    0-2176 77122 096.4
    0-3195 42024 427.5
    0-4134 19416 774.3
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    表  2  腐蚀-疲劳交替试验结果

    Table  2.   Results of alternating corrosion and fatigue tests

    3251-190 48511 310.6
    1-2113 47014 183.8
    1-3128 70516 088.1
    1-4 151 690 18 961.3
    9752-1 110 077 13 759.6
    2-2103 17612 897.0
    2-377 767 9 720.9
    2-4 73 6079 200.9
    13003-165 4698 183.6
    3-293 48511 685.6
    3-3 94 00311 750.4
    3-460 460 7 557.5
    16254-187 46310 932.9
    4-2 75 5089 438.5
    4-352 7566 594.5
    4-460 6347 579.3
    19505-1 68 9978 622.1
    5-287 10210 887.8
    5-3 53 8666 733.3
    5-448 0956 011.9
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    表  3  不同腐蚀年限下的疲劳寿命与腐蚀影响系数

    Table  3.   Fatigue life and corrosion impact factor for different corrosion years

    0 020 147.21.000 0
    32510.0015 135.90.751 3
    97530.0011 394.60.565 6
    1 30040.009 794.30.486 1
    1 62550.008 636.30.428 7
    1 95060.008 064.40.400 3
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    表  4  不同地区的结构寿命包线

    Table  4.   Structural life envelops for different regions

    6.1420 147.2C(T)=1−0.078 4T0.504 00.997
    4.1020 147.2C(T)=1−0.091 3T0.504 00.997
    3.0820 147.2C(T)=1−0.115 4T0.503 80.997
    2.4820 147.2C(T)=1−0.120 2T0.504 30.997
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    表  5  验证试验加载条件与假设服役历程对应关系

    Table  5.   Correspondence between validation test loading conditions and assumed service history

    2725.1011 100
    2400.70 1 350
    2402.5110 4 800
    1874304 6 000
    2543.2224 6 500
     注:在甲地服役的5.1 a和乙地服役的前0.7 a,防护体系未失效,试验中为纯疲劳加载。
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    表  6  模拟结构转场服役/使用的腐蚀-疲劳交替试验结果

    Table  6.   Results of alternate corrosion and fatigue tests simulating transfer of structure into service/use

    6-172 3259 040.6
    6-2103 27412 909.3
    6-3103 84312 980.4
    6-466 7918 348.9
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