Tracking control of unmanned aerial vehicle swarms with leader-following double formation
- 领导-跟随双层编队结构 /
- 时变编队控制 /
- 编队跟踪 /
- 四旋翼无人机 /
- 分布式
Abstract:In this paper, for a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle swarm with multiple leaders, a time-varying formation tracking control analysis and design method is proposed to realize the leader-following double formation structure. First, time-varying formation tracking protocols are constructed based on the neighboring information of UAVs. Next, using the leader-following double communication topology structure as a foundation, an explicit explanation of the formation center function and necessary requirements of formation tracking are suggested. Besides, a method to design the leader-following double structures formation tracking protocol is presented by solving an algebraic Riccati equation. Finally, the flight experiment of the leader-following double structure formation tracking was carried out by using the quadrotor UAV swarm flight platform. The experimental results validate the theoretical conclusions by demonstrating that the quadrotor UAV swarms system can be driven by the leader-following double structures formation tracking control protocol to build the necessary leader-following double formation structures.
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