Rotation binocular stereo rectification algorithm based on hierarchical spatial consistency
Abstract:The mechanical gap of the turntable in the rotating binocular stereo vision system causes the left and right cameras to rotate and deviate in translation, severely distorting the stereo rectification image. To solve this problem, a rotating binocular stereo rectification algorithm based on hierarchical spatial consensus is proposed. Firstly, oriented FAST and rotated BRIEF (ORB) features are used for the fast global stereo matching in the original images, and a new global double-layer constraint of feature points is defined to realize the preferred selection of the matching points. Then, a local verification method based on the consensus of the neighborhood space of the inliers is proposed to realize the secondary matching optimizations and the matching points are optimized by quality sorting. To finish the stereo rectification of the pictures, the eight-point method-based fundamental matrix estimation algorithm determines the precise pose relationship between the left and right cameras. The comparison experiments of typical algorithms on Oxford and SYNTIM datasets verify the proposed algorithm's performance. The multi-angle stereo rectification experiment shows that the proposed algorithm can adapt to the change of optical axis angle, and ensure the quality of stereo rectification when the maximum angle of binocular is 45°. The deviation of the matching point is less than 0.2 pixels.
Key words:
- stereo rectification /
- rotating camera /
- fundamental matrix /
- spatial consensus /
- pose estimation
表 1 匹配点分层优选和优化
Table 1. Hierarchical selection and optimization of matching points
图像 初始匹配点数 匹配点优选点数 二次匹配优化点数 Graf 400 175 125 表 2 立体校正精度统计
Table 2. Stereo rectification accuracy statistics
像素 校正
图像EH EM EV BF LM-RANSAC GC-RANSAC 本文 BF LM-RANSAC GC-RANSAC 本文 BF LM-RANSAC GC-RANSAC 本文 Building 7.4649 3.4254 3.1222 0.72 1.4629 0.4515 0.50001 0.1546 2.1609 1.2011 1.22001 0.4501 Baballe 24.4806 5.3412 5.9917 1.20001 3.2711 0.7122 0.6215 0.2056 4.4922 1.5522 1.3271 0.5132 Graf 4.728 2.5999 3.3781 0.7991 1.5077 0.4512 0.3189 0.1921 2.32 0.6801 0.6674 0.2312 Sport 212.004 12.1162 14.5999 3.33 89.3941 3.2433 2.6485 0.4975 86.458 4.1167 3.7247 1.2898 NBuste 234.3337 25.1242 22.5441 18.5327 111.9321 4.2311 2.0577 2.2262 139.2001 5.6822 3.8501 4.1999 -
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