针对变形飞行器结构/飞行耦合动力学的飞行控制问题,以大展弦比飞行器为研究对象开展了变形辅助高度控制策略研究。采用单元翼多体假设,构建了大展弦比飞行器二面角变形结构,建立了结构/飞行纵向耦合动力学模型,基于线性二次型(LQR)控制器设计方法设计了主动变形(AM)和被动变形(PM) 2种控制策略。其中,被动变形控制策略仅采用升降舵作为控制输入,结构二面角动态行为由耦合动力学驱动;主动变形控制策略以二面角铰链处的扭矩作为额外输入对高度跟踪进行协调控制。仿真分析了2种控制策略下的高度跟踪效果及状态变化,研究结果表明:采用主动变形控制策略可有效改善高度跟踪暂态过程的性能,降低姿态回路的阻尼特性,为未来先进变形飞行器的结构/飞行一体化控制提供研究基础。
Abstract:This paper proposed a deformation-aided altitude control strategy for the high aspect ratio aircraft to address the flight control problem of the structure/flight coupling dynamics. Based on the assumption of element wings, the dihedral deformation of high aspect ratio aircraft are constructed, and the structure/flight longitudinal coupling dynamic model is established. Two control strategies are discussed: altitude control with active morphing (AM) and passive morphing (PM). The elevator is regarded as the only control input in PM strategy, whereas control inputs are extended as elevator and torque in AM strategy. An identical linear quadratic regulator control method is adopted in both control strategies. Simulation results show that the AM strategy can effectively improve the transient processes of altitude tracking and reduce damping in the attitude channel.
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