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张青松 李东琪 连晓雪

张青松,李东琪,连晓雪. 涉水锂离子电池的腐蚀与析氢风险研究[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(7):2083-2092 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0617
引用本文: 张青松,李东琪,连晓雪. 涉水锂离子电池的腐蚀与析氢风险研究[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(7):2083-2092 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0617
ZHANG Q S,LI D Q,LIAN X X. Study of corrosion and hydrogen evolution risk of waded lithium ion-battery[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(7):2083-2092 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0617
Citation: ZHANG Q S,LI D Q,LIAN X X. Study of corrosion and hydrogen evolution risk of waded lithium ion-battery[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(7):2083-2092 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0617


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0617
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金民航联合基金(U1933109);中国民航大学研究生科研创新资助项目(2022YJS009)


  • 中图分类号: X951

Study of corrosion and hydrogen evolution risk of waded lithium ion-battery

Funds: Civil Aviation Joint Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1933109); Civil Aviation University of China Postgraduate Research Innovation Project (2022YJS009)
More Information
  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  涉水实验装置

    Figure 1.  Wading experiment device

    图 2  热失控试验装置

    Figure 2.  Thermal runaway test device

    图 3  锂离子电池涉水腐蚀过程

    Figure 3.  Wading corrosion process of lithiumion battery in water

    图 4  腐蚀产物

    Figure 4.  Corrosion products

    图 5  腐蚀产物扫描电镜照片和XRD图谱

    Figure 5.  SEM images and XRD patterns of corrosion products

    图 6  氢气体积分数与NaCl溶液质量分数的关系曲线

    Figure 6.  Relationship curve between hydrogen volume fraction and solution salinity

    图 7  锂离子电池涉水过程中质量损失与电压变化

    Figure 7.  Mass loss and voltage change of lithiumion battery during water wading

    图 8  涉水锂离子电池热失控后质量损失

    Figure 8.  Mass loss of wading lithiumion battery after thermal runaway

    图 9  不同浸泡时长电池燃爆后的形貌照片

    Figure 9.  Photo of lithium battery with different wading time after combustion and explosion

    图 10  锂离子电池热失控温度变化曲线

    Figure 10.  Temperature variation curve during thermal runaway of lithiumion battery

    图 11  涉水锂离子电池热失控中释放VOCs气体曲线

    Figure 11.  VOCs gas release curve during thermal runaway of water wading lithiumion battery

    表  1  电池参数

    Table  1.   battery parameters

    品牌 标称电压/V 截止电压/V 容量/(mA·h) 长度/mm 高度/mm
    三星UNG 3.6 2.75 2200 65.0 18.4
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    表  2  A组实验电池样品的电压和质量数据

    Table  2.   Voltage and weight data of battery samples in A group

    编号 浸泡时长/min 初始质量/g 初始电压/V
    A21 10 40.99 4.09
    A22 20 41.02 4.09
    A23 30 41.36 4.08
    A24 60 41.14 4.09
    A25 120 41.07 4.09
    A26 180 40.97 4.08
    A27 240 41.17 4.08
    A28 360 41.11 4.08
    A29 480 40.98 4.09
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    表  3  B组实验电池样品的电压和质量数据

    Table  3.   Voltage and weight data of battery samples in B group

    编号 质量分数 初始质量/g 初始电压/V
    B11 0 41.01 4.09
    B12 0.01 40.97 4.09
    B13 0.015 41.03 4.09
    B14 0.02 41.13 4.08
    B15 0.025 40.89 4.09
    B16 0.03 40.98 4.09
    B17 0.035 41.04 4.08
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    表  4  氢气体积分数拟合方程

    Table  4.   Linear fitting equation of hydrogen concentration

    NaCl质量分数 拟合曲线 相关系数r
    0.01 CH = 3.64t − 374.66 0.998 23
    0.015 CH = 6.36t + 1 053.76 0.999 39
    0.02 CH = 7.95t + 629.80 0.999 92
    0.025 CH = 9.30t + 800.29 0.999 92
    0.03 CH = 11.58t + 1 049.58 0.999 52
    0.035 CH = 13.77t + 654.06 0.999 75
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    表  5  1 L受限空间中的NaCl溶液质量分数与析氢速率

    Table  5.   Relationship between hydrogen generation rate and solution salinity in 1 L confined space

    NaCl溶液质量分数 析氢速率/(10−6·s−1
    0.01 5.82
    0.015 10.18
    0.02 12.72
    0.025 14.88
    0.03 18.53
    0.035 20.03
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