Vibration control of flexible spacecraft with output constraints and external disturbances
Abstract:A vibration control with direct joint torque input is presented for flexible spacecraft systems subject to external disturbances and output limits. Firstly, the dynamic characteristics of the system are described by a distributed parameter model which is composed of partial differential equation (PDE) and ordinary differential equation (ODE). Secondly, the tangential barrier Lyapunov function is used to ensure that the output constraints of vibration errors and attitude angle errors are met by a nonlinear disturbance observer that is intended to adjust for external disturbances. The asymptotic stability of the system is proved by extended LaSalle’s invariance principle and semigroup theory. It not only realizes the position control of attitude angle, but also restrains the elastic vibration of flexible spacecraft. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed control method is verified by comparison simulations.
表 1 航天器物理参数
Table 1. The physical parameters of spacecraft
悬臂梁长度l/m 悬臂梁尖端质量m/kg 单位长度均匀质量$ \rho $/(kg·m−1) 刚性轮轴半径r/m 弯曲刚度E/(N·m) 转动惯量$ {I_{\rm{h}}} $/(N·m2) 10 5 8 1 300 120 表 2 系统控制参数
Table 2. System control parameters
角度误差约束值$ {k_{{\rm{b}}1}} $ 控制参数$ \lambda $ 控制参数$ {k_{\mathrm{f}}} $ 控制参数$ {k_{\mathrm{s}}} $ 控制参数$ K $ 振动约束值$ {k_{{\rm{b}}2}} $ 控制参数$ {k_{\mathrm{p}}} $ 控制参数$ {k_{\mathrm{d}}} $ 控制参数$ {k_{\mathrm{v}}} $ 0.21 5 10 400 150 2.4 550 400 2 -
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