Abstract:This research develops a domain adaptive fault diagnosis method based on an enhanced residual network (ResNet) to address the issues that the distribution of training samples and test samples differs in bearing fault diagnosis and the imbalance of different fault data results in a low fault recognition rate.First, the multi-dimensional convolution structure is used for feature extraction in the first layer of the diagnosis network to obtain fault feature information of different dimensions.Then, the local maximum mean difference (LMMD) is used in the domain adaptation layer to align the distribution of the source and target domains, to obtain more fine-grained information. Finally, the class-balanced loss (CBLoss) function is used to solve the training problem of unbalanced data, and the Adam optimization network is used to achieve fault diagnosis. The experimental findings demonstrate that, even in cases when fault sample categories are unbalanced, the enhanced approach suggested in this work can produce better diagnosis outcomes. Experiments are carried out on two bearing datasets and collected wind turbine data. The results show that the improved method has certain advantages, and its diagnostic performance is better than other deep transfer learning methods in the case of imbalanced data samples. It can be used as an effective cross-condition failure analysis method.
Key words:
- fault diagnosis /
- residual network /
- data imbalance /
- local maximum mean difference /
- class-balanced loss /
- bearings
表 1 残差块参数
Table 1. Residual block parameters
残差块 残差块参数 Conv1 Conv2 Block1×2 Conv(3,3,1,16) Conv(3,3,1,32) Block2×2 Conv(3,3,1,32) Conv(3,3,1,64) Block3×2 Conv(3,3,1,64) Conv(3,3,1,128) 表 2 数据集设置
Table 2. Dataset settings
故障类型 尺寸/cm 训练集数量 测试集数量 正常 200 150 滚子故障 2.54 150 100 5.08 150 100 7.62 150 100 内圈故障 2.54 150 100 5.08 150 100 7.62 100 50 外圈故障 2.54 100 50 5.08 100 50 7.62 100 50 表 3 不同方法诊断精度
Table 3. Diagnostic accuracy of different methods
方法 准确率/% 平均准确率 A→B A→C A→D B→A B→C B→D C→A C→B C→D D→A D→B D→C JDA[27] 71.3 68.5 70.2 66.8 69.9 73.6 70.4 72.6 71.2 69.1 68.5 73.6 70.5 LeNet-5 82.1 83.9 79.7 81.5 80.3 84.4 80.3 82.1 81.9 77.6 81.4 83.2 81.5 D-CORAL[28] 98.4 96.8 88.9 96.5 97.3 95.6 91.3 97.2 98.7 87.6 93.6 95.7 94.8 DaNN[29] 97.0 97.5 94.4 96.5 98.2 98.6 95.2 97.6 98.1 89.1 96.2 97.2 96.3 本文方法 99.4 98.8 99.1 99.3 98.5 99.8 98.2 99.1 99.5 98.4 99.7 99.3 99.1 表 4 不同工况详细信息
Table 4. Details of different working conditions
编号 转速/(r·min−1) 扭矩/(N·m) 径向负载/N 0 1500 0.7 1000 1 900 0.7 1000 2 1500 0.1 1000 3 1500 0.7 400 表 5 目标域数据代码
Table 5. Target domain data codes
迁移任务 正常 内圈故障(OR) 外圈故障(IR) 0-1 K002 KI04 KA04 0-2 K003 KI14 KA15 0-3 K004 KI16 KA22 表 6 轴承数据集划分
Table 6. Bearing dataset partitioning
故障类型 训练集数量 测试集数量 正常 500 300 内圈损伤 200 100 外圈损伤 100 50 表 7 目标域数据集划分
Table 7. Target domain dataset partitioning
迁移任务 故障类型 a-b 故障Ⅰ 故障Ⅱ 故障Ⅲ a-c 故障Ⅰ 故障Ⅱ 故障Ⅲ 表 8 风机数据集划分
Table 8. Wind turbine dataset partitioning
故障类型 训练集数量 测试集数量 故障Ⅰ 200 100 故障Ⅱ 100 50 故障Ⅲ 50 25 -
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