Abstract:Compared with terrestrial network facilities, the resources of satellites are very limited, and the traditional fixed grouping and fixed resource allocation methods lack flexibility and limit the system capacity in the face of the uneven distribution of user geographic locations and traffic demands. User grouping based on user geographic location, using a dynamic beam with flexible direction and flexible beamwidth generated by phased array antennas and time-slicing technology of beam-hopping technique can achieve reasonable allocation and efficient utilization of satellite resources. Reasonable allocation and efficient usage of satellite resources can be achieved through user grouping based on user geographic location, phased array antenna-generated dynamic beam with flexible beamwidth and direction, and time-slicing technology of beam-hopping technique. Then a set of flexible resource allocation strategies for the user grouping scheme is proposed based on the grouping results, and an inter-group resource allocation process is added at the end to prevent the waste of free resources. In comparison to the conventional user grouping and resource allocation technique, the suggested approach can successfully increase system throughput and decrease users’ average queuing delays after experimental data simulation and performance evaluation.
Key words:
- multi-beam satellite /
- beam-hopping /
- user grouping /
- timeslot allocation /
- power allocation
表 1 主要仿真参数
Table 1. Main simulation parameters
参数 数值 地球半径/km
噪声功率谱密度${N_0}$ /(dBm·Hz−1)
波长$\lambda $ /m
卫星高度$h$ /km
功率衰减$\alpha $
接收机天线增益${G_{\text{r}}}$ /dB
天线效率$\eta $
波束最小功率${P_{\min }}$/W
波束最小功率${P_{\max }}$/W
时隙长度${t_{{\text{slot}}}}$ /ms
波束最大半径$ {r_{\max }} $ /km
波束最小半径${r_{\min }}$ /km
跳波束周期${T_{\text{s}}}$ /ms6371
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