- 符合性证据链 /
- 工程试验 /
- 分类概率多场景分析 /
- Dempster-Shafer证据理论 /
- 自动飞行控制系统
Abstract:In order to form logical and traceable airworthiness conformity materials, an engineering test method for an avionics system based on a conformity evidence chain is proposed, and the key problems in the implementation are analyzed and studied. A validation platform based on the specifications of an automatic flight control system’s airworthiness verification is built and implemented, using the engineering test of the system as an example. In the validation scheme, for the problem of describing the uncertainty of some parameters under complex validation scenarios, an authentication scheme based on classification probability multi-scene analysis is proposed. Based on the requirements of airworthiness verification, the flight data is filtered. To characterize the uncertainty of specific parameters under the validation scenario, a deterministic scenario with the occurrence probability is constructed by applying statistical characteristic analysis, random sampling, and merge reduction to the filtered flight data. A method for analyzing airworthiness compliance based on weighted Dempster-Shafer evidence theory is proposed, with the goal of addressing the issue of airworthiness conformity judgment in multi-scenario and multi-parameter conditions through validation data analysis. The occurrence probability of deterministic scenes is taken as the weight to conduct evidence fusion, and the interference of some small probability scenes on the fusion results is avoided. The suggested approach is practical and efficient, as demonstrated by the outcomes of the automatic flight mode engineering test conducted utilizing real flight data for the automatic flight control system.
表 1 AFCS工程试验验证需求与适航规范对应
Table 1. Relational table between AFCS airworthiness verification requirements and airworthiness specifications
验证需求条款/规章 名称 飞机级
验证需求CCAR 25.671[14] 操纵系统总则 CCAR 25.672[14] 增稳系统及自动和带动力的操纵
系统CCAR 25.1309[14] 设备、系统及安装 系统级(性能、环境、软件和硬件)验证需求 RTCA DO-178B[15] 机载系统和设备合格审定中的软件
考虑RTCA DO-254[17] 机载电子硬件设计保证指南 RTCA DO-325[18] 自动飞行导引和控制系统及设备的最低性能标准 SAE ARP4754A[19] 关于高度综合或复杂的飞机系统的合格审定考虑 SAE ARP4761A[20] 民用机载系统和设备安全性评估过程的指导原则和方法 CTSO-C198[16] 自动飞行导引与控制系统(AFGCS)设备 AC 25.1329-1C[15] 飞行导引系统的批准 CCAR 25.603,
CCAR 25.605,
CCAR 25.1309,
CCAR 25.1316,
CCAR 25.1329[14]材料,制造方法,设备、系统及安装,系统闪电防护,飞行导引系统 表 2 验证需求矩阵
Table 2. Matrix of validation requirements
通告条款验证通过要求 验证需求
等级CCAR 25.671(c)[14] 执行机构故障的情况下仍能继续安全飞行 纯飞机级
需求CCAR 25.1309(b)、(d)[14] 极不可能发生妨碍安全飞行与机组处理的失效状态 RTCA DO-325 2.2.10[18] 在不同的预设高度点从不同的垂直模式自动切换到高度获取模式 CCAR 25.1329(c)[14] 飞行模式切换导致的航迹瞬变不能大于微小瞬变 AC 25.1329-1C 64.g.(2).(h)[15] 在高度捕获期间,调整气压高度表不会导致高度捕获
需求AC 25.1329-1C 64.g.(2).(i)[15] 从其他垂直模式自动切换到高度获取模式或高度获取模式工作时保持参考空速 表 3 AFCS架构映射
Table 3. Mapping of AFCS architecture
Table 4. Mapping of AFCS working modes
机型 水平模式 垂直模式 A320 NAV,HDG/TRK,LOC CLB,DES,ALT,V/S-FPA,
Table 5. Occurrence probability of some scenarios
场景序号 概率值 场景序号 概率值 1 0.221 5 0.001 2 0.105 6 0.006 3 0.024 7 0.013 4 0.037 8 0.005 表 6 场景1下验证通过条件变量基本概率赋值
Table 6. Basic probability assignment for conditional related variables under scenario 1
证据体 基本概率赋值 满足验证需求 不满足验证需求 m1 0.9032 0.0978 m2 0.7535 0.2475 m3 0.8713 0.1297 m4 0.8477 0.1533 m5 0.8102 0.1908 表 7 场景1的基本概率赋值
Table 7. Basic probability assignment for scenario 1
证据体 基本概率赋值 满足验证需求 不满足验证需求 k1 0.9996 0.0004 表 8 部分场景基本概率赋值结果
Table 8. Basic probability assignment results for some scenarios
证据体 权重系数 基本概率赋值 满足验证需求 不满足验证需求 k1 0.221 0.9996 0.0004 k2 0.105 0.7594 0.2406 k3 0.024 0.8403 0.1597 k4 0.037 0.7905 0.2095 k5 0.001 0.2694 0.7306 k6 0.006 0.4417 0.5583 k7 0.013 0.3814 0.6186 k8 0.005 0.2207 0.7793 表 9 AFCS适航符合性分析结果
Table 9. AFCS airworthiness conformity analysis results
算法 基本概率赋值 满足验证需求 不满足验证需求 传统证据理论 0.6232 0.3768 加权D-S证据理论 0.7352 0.2648 -
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