Abstract:The aircraft landing scheduling problem has been proven to be an NP-hard problem. A multi-aircraft optimization model with time window constraints is established for the fixed aircraft scheduling sequence considering more practical situations. The concept of compact subsequence, its properties, left shift, division and merging conditions are discussed. A compact subsequence algorithm (CSA) for fixed-order aircraft landing problems is proposed. Sort by the optimal landing time of the aircraft and calculate the landing time of each aircraft in this order using CSA. Adjust the fixed order using the circular linear exchange and cyclic linear interpolation strategies. Then, compute iteratively to get an approximation of the model’s ideal solution. The OR-Library dataset is used for verification. Comparable to the CPLEX, RH-HPSO-LS, and cellular automation-based optimization (CAO), the results demonstrate that CSA, when paired with a heuristic fine-tuning method, can yield much superior outcomes than DALP and bionomic algorithm (BA). The algorithm also shows better advantages in time efficiency. It is extremely obvious that the advantages of computing precision and speed on small-scale datasets. CSA is a deterministic method that does not depend on prior parameters and has higher robustness, it can ensure that the heuristic fine-tuning strategy approaches the optimal solution continuously.
表 1 不同类型航班最小时间间隔
Table 1. Minimum time interval between different types of aircrafts
s 航班类型 后续航班 轻型 中型 重型 轻型 82 69 60 中型 131 69 60 重型 196 157 96 表 2 数据集各组航班数量
Table 2. Various aircraft sizes in each group of dataset
组别 航班数量 Airland1 10 Airland2 15 Airland3 20 Airland4 20 Airland5 20 Airland6 30 Airland7 44 Airland8 50 Airland9 100 Airland10 150 Airland11 200 Airland12 250 Airland13 500 表 3 实验数据属性
Table 3. Attribute of experimental data
属性 类型 示例 航班在管制雷达出现的时间/s 整型 1 最早着陆时间/s 整型 601 最优着陆时间/s 整型 908 最晚着陆时间/s 整型 2401 相对于最优时间提前着陆的单位代价 浮点型 1.45 相对于最优时间延后着陆的单位代价 浮点型 1.10 与其他航班的尾流时间间隔/s 列表 [90,90,···,113] 表 4 初始序列确定实验结果
Table 4. Experiment results for initial sequence determining
组别 BKV 总代价 FCFS SBT 1 700 1280 700 2 1480 1790 1500 3 820 1790 1730 4 2520 4890 2520 5 3100 6470 5420 6 24442 24442 24442 7 1550 1550 1550 8 1 950 18870 2510 9 5611 18937.16 8019.42 10 12329 27660 20806.94 11 12418 35532.91 18513.27 12 16209 46471.72 22937.88 13 44832 99776.58 49207.07 表 5 策略组合对比结果
Table 5. Comparative results of strategy combinations
组别 BKV 总代价 EBF EFB BFE BEF FEB FBE 1 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 2 1480 1480 1480 1480 1480 1480 1480 3 820 820 820 820 820 820 820 4 2520 2520 2520 2520 2520 2520 2520 5 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100 6 24442 24442 24442 24442 24442 24442 24442 7 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 8 1950 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 9 5611 5750 5750.2 5618.9 5640.2 5618.6 5651.3 10 12329 12741.6 12627.5 13868.2 13865.9 12539.7 12590.1 11 12418 12418.3 12513.1 12447.4 12433.9 12544.7 12487.4 12 16209 16601.3 16742.4 16334.4 16527.6 16428.3 16714.2 13 44832 37536.4 37668.4 37730.1 37719.9 37625.7 37623.8 注:EBF、EFB、BFE、BEF、FEB、FBE策略组合的平均差值分别为−490.9、−471.3、−417.7、−403.2、−513.2、−489.4。 表 6 整体调度结果对比
Table 6. Comparison of overall scheduling results
组别 BKV 总代价 CPLEX DALP BA RH-HPSO-LS CAO CSA CSA+EBF CSA+FEB 1 700 700 740 700 700 700 700 700 700 2 1480 1480 1870 1480 1480 1480 1500 1480 1480 3 820 820 1440 820 820 820 1730 820 820 4 2520 2520 2670 2520 2520 2520 2520 2520 2520 5 3100 3100 6130 3100 3100 3100 5420 3100 3100 6 24442 24442 24442 24442 24442 24442 24442 24442 24442 7 1550 1550 3974 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 8 1950 1950 2915 2655 1950 1995 2510 1920 1920 9 5611 5611.7 7800.9 6425.9 5611.7 5611 8019.42 5750 5618.6 10 12329 12292.2 17726.1 16508.9 12292.2 12457 20806.9 12741.6 12539.7 11 12418 12418.3 14152.4 14488.4 12418.3 12439 18513.3 12418.3 12544.7 12 16209 16122.2 25049.2 20032.0 16122.2 16262 22937.8 16601.3 16428.3 13 44832 37848.9 58392.6 45294.1 37064.1 38573 49207.0 37536.4 37625.7 组别 运行时间/s CPLEX DALP BA RH-HPSO-LS CAO CSA CSA+EBF CSA+FEB 1 0.8 0.1 60 0.01 0.0025 0.001 0.001 0.001 2 0.8 0.5 90 0.03 0.0034 0.002 0.031 0.052 3 1.3 0.5 99 0.07 0.0042 0.005 0.004 0.005 4 2.3 0.9 95 0.10 0.0043 0.006 0.006 0.006 5 3.7 1.3 100 0.13 0.1945 0.006 0.007 0.006 6 0.7 0.6 274 0.22 0.0521 0.006 0.006 0.006 7 1.2 1.5 79 1.0 0.0857 0.015 0.015 0.015 8 2.2 3.1 287 0.76 1.711 0.021 0.375 0.622 9 932.2 5.7 554 5.8 6.272 0.065 3.260 2.301 10 3600 13.5 925 18.8 29.314 0.011 15.123 8.362 11 3600 22.6 1417 15.6 31.717 0.027 11.17 15.771 12 3600 43.2 2011 35.1 47.328 0.029 23.69 24.344 13 3600 249.5 5852 115.1 267.125 0.064 114.05 128.76 表 7 平均结果对比
Table 7. Comparison of average results
算法 总代价平均差值 平均运行时间/s CPLEX −546.6 1180.4 DALP 3026.2 26.4 BA 927.3 911 RH-HPSO-LS −607.0 14.8 CAO −462.5 29.5 CSA 2453.5 0.02 CSA+EBF −490.9 12.9 CSA+FEB −513.2 13.9 -
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