Abstract:In order to improve the analysis and processing speed of power system fault text in actual business scenarios, a power fault text information extraction model based on pre-training and multi-task learning was proposed. The pre-training model was used to learn the context information of power text words. The first-order and second-order fusion features of words were mined, which enhanced the representation ability of features. The multi-task learning framework was used to combine named entity recognition and relation extraction, which realized the mutual supplement and mutual promotion of entity recognition and relationship extraction, so as to improve the performance of power fault text information extraction. The model was verified by the daily business data of a power data center. Compared with other models, the proposed model’s accuracy and recall of power fault text entity recognition and relation extraction were improved.
Key words:
- power fault /
- pre-training /
- multi-task learning /
- entity recognition /
- relation extraction
表 1 实体标签统计信息
Table 1. Entity statistics
实体类别 实体数量/个 实体占比/% 发电设备 2204 13.68 电动设备 2992 18.57 环境信息 3321 20.61 电力电缆 1046 6.49 显示设备 1543 9.575 控制器件 865 5.37 其他实体 4134 25.65 表 2 关系标签统计信息
Table 2. Relation statistics
关系类别 关系数量/个 关系占比/% 同类 2 023 21.95 原因 1757 19.06 故障 1245 13.50 从属 970 10.52 其他关系 3223 34.96 表 3 命名实体识别结果
Table 3. Results of named entity recognition
% 表 4 多命名实体识别结果
Table 4. Results of multiple named entity recognition
% 表 5 关系抽取结果
Table 5. Results of multiple relation extraction
% 表 6 多关系抽取结果
Table 6. Results of multiple relation extraction
% 表 7 消融实验结果
Table 7. Results of ablation tests
% 模型 P R 实体 关系 实体 关系 MTEIE-BERT 89.56 83.35 88.35 82.12 MTEIE-Entity 84.34 83.54 MTEIE-Relation 90.05 89.78 MTEIE 91.16 85.19 90.23 84.67 表 8 F1值混淆矩阵分析
Table 8. Confusion matrix analysis of F1
% 方法 实体识别 关系抽取 仅关系抽取 83.94 仅命名实体识别 89.91 关系抽取+命名实体识别 90.69 84.93 表 9 案例分析
Table 9. Case analysis
模型 案例1 案例2 原文 1号主变汇控箱内液晶显示温度与变压器本体温度差值过大,怀疑显示不准确 2号主变有载分接开关机械限位松动,导致开关出现多次滑档 Bi-LSTM+CRF+BERT {主变,汇控箱,从属关系};
{机械限位,开关,故障关系}MTEIE {主变,汇控箱,从属关系};
{机械限位,开关,原因关系} -
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