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王栋 杨静 熊凯

王栋,杨静,熊凯. 基于自适应UKF的卫星星座自主导航方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(8):2655-2666 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0696
引用本文: 王栋,杨静,熊凯. 基于自适应UKF的卫星星座自主导航方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(8):2655-2666 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0696
WANG D,YANG J,XIONG K. Autonomous navigation method of satellite constellation based on adaptive UKF[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(8):2655-2666 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0696
Citation: WANG D,YANG J,XIONG K. Autonomous navigation method of satellite constellation based on adaptive UKF[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(8):2655-2666 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0696


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0696
基金项目: 民用航天技术预先研究项目(D020403)


  • 中图分类号: V324

Autonomous navigation method of satellite constellation based on adaptive UKF

Funds: Civil Aerospace Advance Research Project(D020403)
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  • 图 1  局域星座构型示意图

    Figure 1.  Local constellation configuration

    图 2  全球星座构型示意图

    Figure 2.  Global constellation configuration

    图 3  位置均方根误差随遗忘因子变化的曲线

    Figure 3.  Variation of RMSE of position with forgetting factor

    图 4  新息统计值随遗忘因子的变化趋势

    Figure 4.  Variation of innovation statistics with forgetting factor

    图 5  新息统计值随遗忘因子变化的趋势

    Figure 5.  Variation of innovation statistics with forgetting factor

    图 6  基于UKF算法的卫星1的位置误差

    Figure 6.  Position error of satellite 1 based on UKF algorithm

    图 7  基于UKF算法的卫星1的速度误差

    Figure 7.  Velocity error of satellite 1 based on UKF algorithm

    图 8  基于AUKF算法的卫星1位置误差

    Figure 8.  Position error of satellite 1 based on AUKF algorithm

    图 9  基于AUKF算法的卫星1速度误差

    Figure 9.  Velocity error of satellite 1 based on AUKF algorithm

    图 10  AUKF算法切换前后卫星1位置误差

    Figure 10.  Position error of satellite 1 before and after AUKF algorithm switching

    图 11  AUKF算法切换前后卫星1速度误差

    Figure 11.  Velocity error of satellite 1 before and after AUKF algorithm switching

    图 12  AUKF算法切换后卫星1位置误差

    Figure 12.  Position error of satellite 1 after AUKF algorithm switching

    图 13  AUKF算法切换后卫星1速度误差

    Figure 13.  Velocity error of satellite 1 after AUKF algorithm switching

    图 14  不同滤波算法下位置误差对比

    Figure 14.  Comparison of position error under different filtering algorithms

    图 15  不同滤波算法下速度误差对比

    Figure 15.  Comparison of velocity errors under different filtering algorithms

    图 16  基于AUKF的位置误差和CRLB曲线

    Figure 16.  Position error and CRLB curve based on AUKF

    图 17  基于AUKF的速度误差和CRLB曲线

    Figure 17.  Velocity error and CRLB curve based on AUKF

    表  1  星座卫星初始轨道参数

    Table  1.   Initial orbit parameters of constellation satellites

    偏心率 轨道
    1 7478.14 0.00 63.14 0.00 0.85 0.50
    2 7478.14 0.00 62.00 0.00 0.00 3.00
    3 7478.14 0.00 62.00 0.00 0.00 359.20
    4 7478.14 0.00 63.14 0.00 0.00 1.80
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    表  2  不同星座构型下的导航误差统计

    Table  2.   Statistics of navigation errors under different constellation configurations

    星座构型 滤波方法 位置误差/m 速度误差/(m·s−1)
    低轨局域星座UKF272.740.332 3
    AUKF207.030.216 7
    EKF280.240.344 2
    AEKF215.210.227 6
    中轨全球星座UKF50.010.012 0
    AUKF20.060.002 6
    EKF54.630.014 0
    AEKF29.580.005 3
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    表  3  不同算法的仿真耗时统计

    Table  3.   Simulation time statistics of different algorithms

    滤波算法 仿真时长/s
    EKF 89.72
    UKF 1 407.31
    AEKF 94.21
    AUKF 1 408.59
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    A1  不同滤波算法的导航误差统计

    A1.   Navigation error statistics under different filtering algorithms

    卫星编号 滤波算法 $\delta {r_x}$/m $\delta {r_y}$/m $\delta {r_{\textit{z}}}$/m $\delta r$/m $\delta {v_x}$/(m·s−1) $\delta {v_y}$/(m·s−1) $\delta {v_{\textit{z}}}$/(m·s−1) $\delta v$/(m·s−1)
    1 EKF 109.82 231.22 115.93 281.01 0.130 6 0.294 9 0.115 9 0.342 7
    UKF 95.77 229.98 110.67 272.03 0.106 5 0.295 6 0.103 2 0.330 7
    AEKF 80.54 166.61 109.83 215.19 0.085 3 0.183 9 0.100 4 0.226 4
    AUKF 77.51 161.87 103.46 207.16 0.084 1 0.176 5 0.094 2 0.217 1
    2 EKF 110.04 231.34 116.17 273.11 0.129 4 0.296 3 0.115 7 0.343 4
    UKF 96.03 230.15 110.52 272.77 0.105 1 0.297 1 0.102 9 0.331 5
    AEKF 80.50 166.79 109.42 215.11 0.084 0 0.184 6 0.100 4 0.226 3
    AUKF 77.46 161.87 103.46 207.08 0.083 0 0.177 7 0.093 1 0.217 1
    3 EKF 109.65 231.34 116.17 281.14 0.131 4 0.296 2 0.115 7 0.344 1
    UKF 95.58 230.11 110.91 272.74 0.107 5 0.296 9 0.103 1 0.332 2
    AEKF 80.51 166.60 110.09 215.31 0.086 1 0.184 7 0.101 4 0.227 6
    AUKF 77.49 161.86 103.72 207.27 0.084 8 0.178 0 0.094 6 0.218 7
    4 EKF 109.90 231.23 115.79 280.99 0.130 1 0.298 4 0.115 8 0.342 4
    UKF 95.85 229.98 110.53 272.61 0.106 5 0.295 6 0.130 7 0.330 4
    AEKF 80.52 166.59 109.60 215.06 0.084 8 0.183 8 0.099 9 0.225 7
    AUKF 77.49 161.85 103.72 207.03 0.083 7 0.176 6 0.093 6 0.216 7
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    表  4  CRLB方差下界统计

    Table  4.   CRLB statistics of variance

    均值 $\delta {r_x}$/m $\delta {r_y}$/m $\delta {r_{\textit{z}}}$/m $\delta {v_x}$/(m·s−1) $\delta {v_y}$/(m·s−1) $\delta {v_{\textit{z}}}$/(m·s−1)
    非理想 1$\sigma $ 96.22 456.01 89.08 0.132 2 1.100 8 0.120 8
    3$\sigma $ 283.83 1 364.04 261.17 0.390 3 3.304 1 0.352 6
    理想 1$\sigma $ 47.57 59.04 60.97 0.052 7 0.055 9 0.056 6
    3$\sigma $ 142.70 177.11 182.90 0.158 2 0.167 7 0.169 8
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