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智文静 李建刚 张晨 刘冬平 杜秀军

智文静,李建刚,张晨,等. 一种新型登机门开启限速装置的设计[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(5):1532-1540 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0714
引用本文: 智文静,李建刚,张晨,等. 一种新型登机门开启限速装置的设计[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(5):1532-1540 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0714
ZHI W J,LI J G,ZHANG C,et al. Design of a new opening and speed limiting mechanism of passenger door[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(5):1532-1540 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0714
Citation: ZHI W J,LI J G,ZHANG C,et al. Design of a new opening and speed limiting mechanism of passenger door[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(5):1532-1540 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0714


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0714


  • 中图分类号: V221+.3;TB553

Design of a new opening and speed limiting mechanism of passenger door

More Information
  • 摘要:

    登机门是民用飞机舱门中的一个重要部件,其直接影响民用客机结构、功能的完整性和安全性。根据项目研制的需要,针对MA600飞机登机门无阻尼式自由下落导致登机门转轴及舱门损坏的问题进行原因分析,设计了一种限制登机门下落速度的新型开启限速装置。在CATIA中建立了包括登机门、登机梯、开启限速装置在内的虚拟样机模型,在MSC/ADAMS中对安装和未安装开启限速装置的登机门自由坠落进行动力学仿真分析,分析了产品不同设计参数对登机门自由坠落时间的影响,确定出了最优的结构参数,仿真结果表明:所设计的限速装置能够将登机门的坠落时间限制在6 s,有效减少登机门坠落对门体结构冲击,为后续的样件产出和试验提供理论依据。


  • 图 1  MA600飞机登机门的结构组成

    Figure 1.  MA600 aircraft the structure components of the passenger door

    图 2  开启限速装置的工作原理

    Figure 2.  Schematic of the opening and speed limiting working mechanism

    图 3  开启限速装置及登机门虚拟样机模型

    Figure 3.  Opening and speed limiting mechanism and passenger door virtual prototype model

    图 4  离心块的受力示意图

    Figure 4.  Force diagram of centrifugal block

    图 5  不同质量离心块作用下的登机门下落时间

    Figure 5.  Falling time of the boarding gate under the action of centrifugal block with different mass

    图 6  登机门翻转角度与开启连杆翻转速度曲线

    Figure 6.  Door rotation angle and rod rotation speed curves

    图 7  不同质量离心块作用下的登机门转速曲线

    Figure 7.  Door rotation speed curves of the boarding gate under the action of centrifugal block with different mass

    图 8  不同传动比下的登机门下落时间

    Figure 8.  Drop-off time curves under different transmission ratios

    图 9  不同传动比下登机门翻转角度与开启连杆转速曲线

    Figure 9.  Door rotation angle and rod rotation speed curves under different transmission ratios

    图 10  不同传动比下的登机门转速曲线

    Figure 10.  Door rotation speed curves under different transmission ratios

    图 11  有/无开启限速装置时登机门正常开启时间

    Figure 11.  Normal gate opening time curves with/without the opening and limiting mechanism

    图 12  有/无开启限速装置时登机门正常开启时连杆转速

    Figure 12.  Rod rotation speed at normal door curves with/without the opening and speed limiting mechanism

    图 13  登机门正常关闭时的翻转角度

    Figure 13.  Normally closed door rotation angle curves with/without the opening and speed limiting mechanism

    图 14  正常关闭时的翻转角度与开启连杆转速

    Figure 14.  Door rotation angle and rod rotation speed curves under the normal closure

    图 15  登机门应急开启时的开启时间

    Figure 15.  Door emergency opening time curves with/without the opening and speed limiting mechanism

    图 16  登机门应急开启时的翻转角度与开启连杆转速

    Figure 16.  Door rotation angle and rod rotation speed curves under the emergency open

    表  1  登机门和梯子的参数

    Table  1.   Parameters of passenger door and ladder

    登机门和梯子质量/kg Ixx/(kg·m−2 Iyy/(kg·m−2 Izz/(kg·m−2
    90 7.913×106 2.353×106 9.637×106
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    表  2  仿真模型的运动副

    Table  2.   Motion pair of the simulation model

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    表  3  不同质量离心块作用下的登机门仿真结果

    Table  3.   Simulation results of boarding gate under the action of centrifugal block with different mass

    开启连杆转速/((°)·s−1) 翻转
    限速启动时 平均
    0.083 1.35 10.35 27.35 31.26 5.13
    0.1 1.39 12.96 26.60 28.71 5.49
    0.15 1.59 11.89 21.90 23.43 6.65
    0.2 1.80 11.91 19.02 20.47 7.61
    0.23 1.82 10.89 17.80 19.17 8.08
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    表  4  不同传动比作用下的登机门仿真结果

    Table  4.   Simulation results of different transmission ratios

    传动比 启动
    开启连杆转速/((°)·s−1) 翻转
    限速启动时 平均
    523 1.42 11.44 25.51 24.65 5.87
    456 1.35 10.35 27.35 31.26 5.13
    407 1.22 12.66 31.31 35.45 4.53
    349 1.18 12.85 36.28 42.51 3.95
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    表  5  优化后登机门开启限速装置的设计参数

    Table  5.   Optimized design parameters of opening and speed limiting mechanism for rear gate opening

    摩擦系数 离心块质量/kg 传动比 开启时间/s
    0.17 0.23 456 5.01
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    表  6  登机门开启限速装置优化参数及优化结果

    Table  6.   Optimized parameters and results of opening and speed limiting mechanism for boarding door opening

    开启连杆转速/((°)·s−1) 翻转
    限速启动时 平均
    正常 打开 10 0.32 10.6 0.32
    正常 关闭 8 1.13 9.24 0.44
    应急 打开 7 0.51 8.49 0.44
    故障 打开 5.49 0.53
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    表  7  优选后设计参数

    Table  7.   Optimized design parameters

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