Vision-based path planning algorithm of unmanned bird-repelling vehicles in airports
Abstract:Low-flying birds flying in the vicinity of the airports are a serious threat to the safety of aircraft takeoff and landing, and the existing bird-repelling measurements make it difficult to effectively repel low-flying birds for high instrument resource consumption and large spatio-temporal influence. In order to reduce the workload associated with repelling birds, this paper suggests replacing manned vehicles with unmanned vehicles. These unmanned vehicles will be outfitted with fixed cameras to enable real-time bird detection near the airport, as well as the collection and provision of bird data for the unmanned vehicles’ route planning. The method is divided into two parts: bird detection and path planning of unmanned bird-repelling vehicles. In order to enhance the accuracy of the network’s bird location, this study first addresses bird detection. Specifically, it suggests an enhanced YOLOv5 network that utilizes a coordinate attention mechanism to effectively identify small target birds in real time. Second, in view of the path planning problem of unmanned bird-repelling vehicles, the traditional path planning algorithms need to be improved in perspectives of long path distances and more inflection points. Therefore, an improved beetle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed in this paper, which can effectively shorten the marched distance of unmanned bird-repelling vehicles, accurately avoid static obstacles and dynamic obstacles in the airport, and quickly reach the designated location. The results show that the method can effectively detect airport birds, and provide timely bird data for unmanned bird-repelling vehicles. The route planning distance can be shortened by using the enhanced beetle swarm optimization technique, giving unmanned bird-repelling vehicles quick access to designated locations. It can effectively reduce human resource investments, save the unmanned bird-repelling vehicles energy, and improve the bird-repelling efficiency.
表 1 改进的CSPDarkNet53主干网络结构
Table 1. Improved CSPDarknet53 backbone network architecture
模块 数量 参数量 尺寸 输出尺寸 Focus 1 3520 1×1 320×320 Conv 1 18560 3×3 160×160 C3 3 18816 160×160 CA 1 1688 160×160 Conv 1 73984 3×3 80×80 C3 9 156928 80×80 CA 1 3352 80×80 Conv 1 295424 3×3 40×40 C3 9 625152 40×40 CA 1 6680 40×40 Conv 1 1180672 3×3 20×20 SPP 1 656896 1×1, 5×5, 9×9, 13×13 20×20 C3 3 1182720 20×20 表 2 鸟类检测实验结果对比
Table 2. Comparison of bird detection experimental results
方法 召回率 精准率 平均精度 检测速度/(帧·s−1) YOLOv5 0.823 0.841 0.874 57.2 改进YOLOv5 0.902 0.914 0.931 55.9 表 3 4种算法运行100次的路径长度平均值
Table 3. Average path length of the four algorithms for 100 runs
算法 路径长度/m A-star 86.122 PSO 89.725 IBSO 84.736 IBSO2 83.026 -
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