Design of rectangular cross-section spring anti-reverse device for a certain type of aviation
- 矩形截面弹簧 /
- 逆止器 /
- 遗传算法 /
- 有限元分析 /
- HyperWorks
Abstract:Due to its bulk and weight, the conventional anti-reverse mechanism is not appropriate for use in aircraft items that are very responsive to weight indicators. In this paper, a design method for the small and lightweight rectangular cross-section spring anti-reverse device is proposed. Through the mechanical analysis of the rectangular cross-section spring in the anti-reverse device, the relationship between the force and deformation of the rectangular cross-section spring is deduced. The anti-reverse performance with the size of the rectangular cross-section spring and the interference with the matching sleeve is studied. Genetic algorithms are used to determine and resolve the effective working conditions of the spring anti-reverse device with a rectangular cross-section. The structural model of the rectangular cross-section spring anti-reverse rotation device is established by CATIA software, which is imported into HyperWorks software for verification analysis. By the manufacture and measurement results of the designed prototype, it is shown that the weight of the rectangular section spring anti-reverse device designed based on this study can be reduced by 60% compared with the traditional friction disc type under the same load condition. The correctness and reliability of the design method are verified by comparing the simulation results with the experimental data.
表 1 矩形截面弹簧材料属性
Table 1. Material properties of rectangular section spring
材料 弹性模量/GPa 泊松比 力矩/(N·m) 50CrVA 208 0.3 6 表 2 不同矩形截面弹簧实验样件参数、计算和实验值
Table 2. Parameters, calculations and test values of test samples of springs with different rectangular cross-sections
样件 样件弹簧
力矩/(N·m)理论样件 21.58 0.2 9 <12.98 1组样件1 21.45 0.11 2.9 <3.15 1组样件2 21.45 0.23 6.1 <6.93 1组样件3 21.45 0.35 9.2 <9.91 2组样件1 21.12 0.11 2.1 <2.52 2组样件2 21.12 0.23 4.3 <4.98 2组样件3 21.12 0.35 6.5 <7.25 3组样件1 21.36 0.02 0.8 <0.91 3组样件2 21.36 0.2 5.3 <5.95 3组样件3 21.36 0.4 8.8 <9.35 表 3 不同转速下矩形截面弹簧工作状态
Table 3. Working state of rectangular section spring at different rotational speeds
样件 转速/
(N·m)工作状态 样件1 200 <4 工作状态较好,偶尔出现无法逆止现象,声音平稳,拆解后弹簧状态
良好6400 <4 10500 <4 无法逆止,拆解弹簧后,观察弹簧外表面良好 样件2 200 6.93 工作状态良好,声音平稳,拆解后弹簧状态良好 6400 5.95 10500 <5 工作过程中声音刺耳,拆解弹簧后,观察外表面出现磨损 样件3 200 9.35 能够实现逆止功能,出现间断噪声 6400 7.25 10500 <5 工作过程中声音刺耳,拆解弹簧后,观察外表面磨损严重,边缘出现
毛刺 -
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