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来进勇 关文卿 骆光照 晁世元

来进勇,关文卿,骆光照,等. 某型航空用矩形截面弹簧逆止器设计[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(6):1868-1876 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0750
引用本文: 来进勇,关文卿,骆光照,等. 某型航空用矩形截面弹簧逆止器设计[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(6):1868-1876 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0750
LAI J Y,GUAN W Q,LUO G Z,et al. Design of rectangular cross-section spring anti-reverse device for a certain type of aviation[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(6):1868-1876 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0750
Citation: LAI J Y,GUAN W Q,LUO G Z,et al. Design of rectangular cross-section spring anti-reverse device for a certain type of aviation[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(6):1868-1876 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0750


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0750
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金联合基金(U2013206)


  • 中图分类号: V241.02;TH122

Design of rectangular cross-section spring anti-reverse device for a certain type of aviation

Funds: Joint Funds of National Natural Science Foundation of China (U2013206)
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  • 图 1  逆止器结构型式

    Figure 1.  Typical structure of anti-reverse rotation device

    图 2  矩形截面弹簧受力分析示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of force analysis of rectangular cross-section spring

    图 3  矩形截面弹簧逆止工作变形示意图

    Figure 3.  Schematic diagram of working deformation of rectangular cross-section spring

    图 4  矩形截面弹簧过渡段示意图

    Figure 4.  Schematic diagram of transition section of rectangular cross-section spring

    图 5  矩形截面弹簧受力示意图

    Figure 5.  Schematic diagram of force with rectangular cross-section spring

    图 6  矩形截面扭转弹簧圈数与过盈量、半径关系

    Figure 6.  Relationship between the number of coils and the amount of interference and radius with rectangular cross-section spring

    图 7  矩形截面弹簧逆止所需圈数与摩擦系数关系

    Figure 7.  Relationship between the numbers of turns required by rectangular cross-section spring and the coefficient of friction

    图 8  遗传算法求解矩形截面弹簧圈数流程

    Figure 8.  Flow of solving number of coils of rectangular cross-section spring by genetic algorithm

    图 9  遗传算法求解矩形截面弹簧圈数迭代结果

    Figure 9.  Iterative results of solving the number of coils of rectangular cross-section spring by genetic algorithm

    图 10  逆止器有限元分析

    Figure 10.  Finite element analysis of anti-reverse rotation device

    图 11  逆止器有限元分析结果

    Figure 11.  Finite element analysis of anti-reverse rotation device results

    图 12  矩形截面弹簧Von-Mises应力

    Figure 12.  Von-Mises stress of rectangular cross-section spring

    图 13  矩形截面弹簧等效变形

    Figure 13.  Equivalent deformation of rectangular cross-section spring

    图 14  1/2矩形截面弹簧中面展开等效Mises应力值

    Figure 14.  Equivalent Mises stress value of middle plane expansion of 1/2 rectangular cross-section spring

    图 15  1/2矩形截面弹簧中面展开等效变形值

    Figure 15.  Equivalent deformation of middle plane expansion of 1/2 rectangular cross-section spring

    图 16  逆止器及矩形截面弹簧样件

    Figure 16.  Anti-reverse rotation device and rectangular cross-section spring prototype

    图 17  矩形截面弹簧逆止器实验台

    Figure 17.  Experiment of the rectangular cross-section spring anti-reverse device

    图 18  实验样件在不同转速下的测试力矩

    Figure 18.  Test torque of spring prototype at different rotating speeds

    表  1  矩形截面弹簧材料属性

    Table  1.   Material properties of rectangular section spring

    材料 弹性模量/GPa 泊松比 力矩/(N·m)
    50CrVA 208 0.3 6
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    表  2  不同矩形截面弹簧实验样件参数、计算和实验值

    Table  2.   Parameters, calculations and test values of test samples of springs with different rectangular cross-sections

    样件 样件弹簧
    理论样件 21.58 0.2 9 <12.98
    1组样件1 21.45 0.11 2.9 <3.15
    1组样件2 21.45 0.23 6.1 <6.93
    1组样件3 21.45 0.35 9.2 <9.91
    2组样件1 21.12 0.11 2.1 <2.52
    2组样件2 21.12 0.23 4.3 <4.98
    2组样件3 21.12 0.35 6.5 <7.25
    3组样件1 21.36 0.02 0.8 <0.91
    3组样件2 21.36 0.2 5.3 <5.95
    3组样件3 21.36 0.4 8.8 <9.35
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    表  3  不同转速下矩形截面弹簧工作状态

    Table  3.   Working state of rectangular section spring at different rotational speeds

    样件 转速/
    样件1 200 <4 工作状态较好,偶尔出现无法逆止现象,声音平稳,拆解后弹簧状态
    6400 <4
    10500 <4 无法逆止,拆解弹簧后,观察弹簧外表面良好
    样件2 200 6.93 工作状态良好,声音平稳,拆解后弹簧状态良好
    6400 5.95
    10500 <5 工作过程中声音刺耳,拆解弹簧后,观察外表面出现磨损
    样件3 200 9.35 能够实现逆止功能,出现间断噪声
    6400 7.25
    10500 <5 工作过程中声音刺耳,拆解弹簧后,观察外表面磨损严重,边缘出现
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