Evaluation method of H2O penetration depth of drying reactor based on temperature gradient
Abstract:There is no direct evaluation method for the H2O penetration depth of the drying reactor in the CO2 removal system in the space station. Therefore, an indirect evaluation method based on the temperature gradient characteristics of the temperature sensor inside the drying reactor was proposed. Since silica gel has the physical characteristic of releasing heat while adsorbing H2O and absorbing heat while desorbing H2O, the variation characteristics of the temperature sensor data curve in the adsorption and desorption cycles under different boundary conditions were analyzed by considering the depth position of the temperature sensor in the drying reactor. The index set and evaluation method reflecting the H2O penetration depth of the drying reactor were proposed, and the proposed method is verified in the closed chamber test of the system, the verification results show the rationality of the index set and the effectiveness of the evaluation method.
Key words:
- space station /
- CO2 removal system /
- reactor /
- adsorption /
- desorption /
- water penetration depth
表 1 干燥周期H2O穿透深度定义(Ⅲ、Ⅳ)
Table 1. Definition of H2O penetration depth in drying cycle (Ⅲ and Ⅳ)
穿透深度 区域A 区域B 区域C 区域D III 穿透 穿透 到达,未穿透 未到达 IV 穿透 穿透 穿透 到达,是否穿透未知 表 2 吸附周期H2O穿透深度判据
Table 2. H2O penetration depth criteria in adsorption cycle
穿透深度 判据 备注 Ⅱ $ {\nabla T}_{1} $<0,$ {\nabla T}_{2} $≥0 H2O进入但未穿透区域B Ⅲ(或以上) $ {\nabla T}_{1} $<0,$ {\nabla T}_{2} $$ < $0 H2O进入区域C Ⅲ $ {\nabla T}_{1} $<0,$ {\nabla T}_{2} $$ < $0, $ {\nabla T}_{3} $=0 H2O进入但未穿透区域C Ⅳ(或级以上) $ {\nabla T}_{1} $<0,$ {\nabla T}_{2} $$ < $0, $ {\nabla T}_{3} $$ < $0 H2O穿透区域C进入区域D 表 3 解吸周期H2O穿透深度判据
Table 3. H2O penetration depth criteria in desorption cycle
穿透深度 判据 备注 Ⅱ $ {T_{{\text{L}}\max }} $波动,$ {T_{{\text{M}}\max }} $和$ {T_{{\text{S}}\max }} $不变 $ {T_{{\text{L}}\max }} $>$ {T_{{\text{LZ}}\max }} $,穿透深度变浅
$ {T_{{\text{L}}\max }} $<$ {T_{{\text{LZ}}\max }} $,穿透深度变深Ⅲ $ {T_{{\text{L}}\max }} $波动,$ {T_{{\text{M}}\max }} $波动,$ {T_{{\text{S}}\max }} $不变 $ {T_{{\text{M}}\max }} $>$ {T_{{\text{MZ}}\max }} $,穿透深度变浅;$ {T_{{\text{M}}\max }} $<$ {T_{{\text{MZ}}\max }} $,穿透深度变深 Ⅳ(或以上) $ {T_{{\text{L}}\max }} $波动,$ {T_{{\text{M}}\max }} $波动,$ {T_{{\text{S}}\max }} $波动 $ {T_{{\text{S}}\max }} $>$ {T_{{\text{SZ}}\max }} $,穿透深度变浅;$ {T_{{\text{S}}\max }} $<$ {T_{{\text{SZ}}\max }} $,穿透深度变深 表 4 吸附及解吸周期H2O进入及穿透深度评估方法汇总
Table 4. Summary of evaluation methods for H2O entry and penetration depth in adsorption and desorption cycles
模式 进入 穿透 A B C D A B C D 吸附 √ √ √ × √ √ √ × 解吸 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ × -
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