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张勇平 卞强 杨润泽 张震 白攀峰

张勇平,卞强,杨润泽,等. 采用温度梯度的干燥反应器H2O穿透深度评估方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(10):3123-3130 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0764
引用本文: 张勇平,卞强,杨润泽,等. 采用温度梯度的干燥反应器H2O穿透深度评估方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(10):3123-3130 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0764
ZHANG Y P,BIAN Q,YANG R Z,et al. Evaluation method of H2O penetration depth of drying reactor based on temperature gradient[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(10):3123-3130 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0764
Citation: ZHANG Y P,BIAN Q,YANG R Z,et al. Evaluation method of H2O penetration depth of drying reactor based on temperature gradient[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(10):3123-3130 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0764


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0764


  • 中图分类号: V11;TQ051.1

Evaluation method of H2O penetration depth of drying reactor based on temperature gradient

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  • 图 1  CO2去除系统组成及运行流程

    Figure 1.  Composition and operation flow of CO2 removal system

    图 2  干燥反应器测温杆布局及内部区域划分示意图

    Figure 2.  Scheme diagram of temperature measuring rod layout and internal area division of drying reactor

    图 3  系统进气温度曲线

    Figure 3.  System intake temperature curve

    图 4  干燥反应器A长、中、短测温杆温度曲线

    Figure 4.  Temperature curves of long, medium, and short temperature measuring rods of drying reactor A

    图 5  吸附周期干燥反应器A穿透深度评估曲线

    Figure 5.  Evaluation curves of penetration depth for drying reactor A in adsorption cycle

    图 6  干燥反应器A内部长、中、短测温杆温度曲线(2018年4月6日局部时间段)

    Figure 6.  Temperature curves of long, medium, and short temperature measuring rods in drying reactor A(local time period on April 6, 2018)

    图 7  解吸周期干燥反应器穿透深度评估曲线(测温杆最高温度)

    Figure 7.  Evaluation curves of penetration depth for drying reactor in desorption cycle (maximum temperature of temperature measuring rod)

    表  1  干燥周期H2O穿透深度定义(Ⅲ、Ⅳ)

    Table  1.   Definition of H2O penetration depth in drying cycle (Ⅲ and Ⅳ)

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    表  2  吸附周期H2O穿透深度判据

    Table  2.   H2O penetration depth criteria in adsorption cycle

    穿透深度 判据 备注
    $ {\nabla T}_{1} $<0,$ {\nabla T}_{2} $≥0 H2O进入但未穿透区域B
    Ⅲ(或以上) $ {\nabla T}_{1} $<0,$ {\nabla T}_{2} $$ < $0 H2O进入区域C
    $ {\nabla T}_{1} $<0,$ {\nabla T}_{2} $$ < $0, $ {\nabla T}_{3} $=0 H2O进入但未穿透区域C
    Ⅳ(或级以上) $ {\nabla T}_{1} $<0,$ {\nabla T}_{2} $$ < $0, $ {\nabla T}_{3} $$ < $0 H2O穿透区域C进入区域D
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    表  3  解吸周期H2O穿透深度判据

    Table  3.   H2O penetration depth criteria in desorption cycle

    穿透深度 判据 备注
    $ {T_{{\text{L}}\max }} $波动,$ {T_{{\text{M}}\max }} $和$ {T_{{\text{S}}\max }} $不变 $ {T_{{\text{L}}\max }} $>$ {T_{{\text{LZ}}\max }} $,穿透深度变浅
    $ {T_{{\text{L}}\max }} $<$ {T_{{\text{LZ}}\max }} $,穿透深度变深
    $ {T_{{\text{L}}\max }} $波动,$ {T_{{\text{M}}\max }} $波动,$ {T_{{\text{S}}\max }} $不变 $ {T_{{\text{M}}\max }} $>$ {T_{{\text{MZ}}\max }} $,穿透深度变浅;$ {T_{{\text{M}}\max }} $<$ {T_{{\text{MZ}}\max }} $,穿透深度变深
    Ⅳ(或以上) $ {T_{{\text{L}}\max }} $波动,$ {T_{{\text{M}}\max }} $波动,$ {T_{{\text{S}}\max }} $波动 $ {T_{{\text{S}}\max }} $>$ {T_{{\text{SZ}}\max }} $,穿透深度变浅;$ {T_{{\text{S}}\max }} $<$ {T_{{\text{SZ}}\max }} $,穿透深度变深
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    表  4  吸附及解吸周期H2O进入及穿透深度评估方法汇总

    Table  4.   Summary of evaluation methods for H2O entry and penetration depth in adsorption and desorption cycles

    模式 进入 穿透
    A B C D A B C D
    吸附 × ×
    解吸 ×
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