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杨军 张琛

杨军,张琛. 融合双注意力机制和动态图卷积的点云语义分割[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(10):2984-2994 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0775
引用本文: 杨军,张琛. 融合双注意力机制和动态图卷积的点云语义分割[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(10):2984-2994 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0775
YANG J,ZHANG C. Semantic segmentation of point clouds by fusing dual attention mechanism and dynamic graph convolution[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(10):2984-2994 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0775
Citation: YANG J,ZHANG C. Semantic segmentation of point clouds by fusing dual attention mechanism and dynamic graph convolution[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(10):2984-2994 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0775


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0775
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(42261067,61862039);兰州市人才创新创业项目(2020-RC-22);兰州交通大学天佑创新团队(TY202002)


  • 中图分类号: TP391

Semantic segmentation of point clouds by fusing dual attention mechanism and dynamic graph convolution

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (42261067,61862039); Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project of Lanzhou City (2020-RC-22); Tianyou Innovation Team of Lanzhou Jiaotong University (TY202002)
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  • 图 1  融合双注意力机制和DGCNN的模型结构

    Figure 1.  Structure of model fusing dual attention mechanism and DGCNN

    图 2  KPConv模块结构示意图

    Figure 2.  Structure of KPConv module

    图 3  EdgeConv++模块结构示意图

    Figure 3.  Structure of EdgeConv++ module

    图 4  SAM模块结构示意图

    Figure 4.  Structure of SAM module

    图 5  CAM模块结构示意图

    Figure 5.  Structure of CAM

    图 6  S3DIS数据集分割结果的可视化

    Figure 6.  Visualization of segmentation results on S3DIS dataset

    图 7  SemanticKITTI数据集分割结果的可视化

    Figure 7.  Visualization of segmentation results on SemanticKITTI dataset

    表  1  不同算法在S3DIS数据集上的分割精度对比(Area 5作为测试)

    Table  1.   Comparison of segmentation accuracy of different algorithms on S3DIS dataset (Area 5 as a test) %

    算法 OA mIoU IoU
    ceiling floor wall beam column window door table chair sofa bookcase board clutter
    PointNet[6] 79.3 41.1 88.8 97.3 69.8 0.1 3.9 46.3 10.8 59.0 52.6 5.9 40.3 26.4 33.2
    TangentConv[8] 82.5 52.6 90.5 97.7 74.0 0 20.7 39.0 31.3 77.5 69.4 57.3 38.5 48.8 39.8
    PointCNN[28] 85.9 57.3 92.3 98.2 79.4 0 17.6 22.8 62.1 74.4 80.6 31.7 66.7 62.1 56.7
    SPG[29] 86.4 58.0 89.4 96.9 78.1 0 42.8 48.9 61.6 84.7 75.4 69.8 52.6 2.1 52.2
    PCCN[30] 58.3 92.3 96.2 75.9 0.3 6.0 69.5 63.5 66.9 65.6 47.3 68.9 59.1 46.2
    PointWeb[18] 87.0 60.3 92.0 98.5 79.4 0 21.1 59.7 34.8 76.3 88.3 46.9 69.3 64.9 52.5
    HPEIN[31] 87.2 61.9 91.5 98.2 81.4 0 23.3 65.3 40.0 75.5 87.7 58.5 67.8 65.6 49.4
    RandLA-Net[32] 87.2 62.4 91.1 95.6 80.2 0 24.7 62.3 47.7 76.2 83.7 60.2 71.1 65.7 53.8
    GACNet[19] 87.8 62.8 92.3 98.3 81.9 0 20.3 59.1 40.8 78.5 85.8 61.7 70.7 74.7 52.8
    BAAF-Net[33] 88.9 65.4 92.9 97.9 82.3 0 23.1 65.5 64.9 78.5 87.5 61.4 70.7 68.7 57.2
    KPConv[20] 67. 1 92.8 97.3 82.4 0 23.9 58.0 69.0 81.5 91.0 75.4 75.3 66.7 58.9
    本文 92.8 66.0 92.9 98.3 82.8 0 21.2 56.6 68.5 91.3 81.3 74.4 64.2 68.9 57.8
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    表  2  不同算法在SemanticKITTTI数据集上的分割精度对比

    Table  2.   Comparison of segmentation accuracy of different algorithms on SemanticKITTI dataset %

    算法 mIoU IoU
    road sidewalk parking other-ground building car truck bicycle motorcycle
    PointNet [6] 14.6 61.6 35.7 15.8 1.4 41.4 46.3 0.1 1.3 0.3
    SPG[29] 17.4 45.0 28.5 1.6 0.6 64.3 49.3 0.1 0.2 0.2
    PointNet++ [16] 20.1 72.0 41.8 18.7 5.6 62.3 53.7 0.9 1.9 0.2
    TangentConv[8] 40.9 83.9 63.9 33.4 15.4 83.4 90.8 15.2 2.7 16.5
    SpSequenceNet[34] 43.1 90.1 73.9 57.6 27.1 91.2 88.5 29.2 24.0 0
    PointASNL[35] 46.8 87.4 74.3 24.3 1.8 83.1 87.9 39.0 0 25.1
    HPGCNN[36] 50.5 89.5 73.6 58.8 34.6 91.2 93.1 21.0 6.5 17.6
    RangeNet++ [11] 52.2 91.8 75.2 65.0 27.8 87.4 91.4 25.7 25.7 34.4
    RandLA-Net[32] 53.9 90.7 73.7 60.3 20.4 86.9 94.2 40.1 26.0 25.8
    PolarNet[37] 54.3 90.8 74.4 61.7 21.7 90.0 93.8 22.9 40.3 30.1
    3D-MiniNet [38] 55.8 91.6 74.5 64.2 25.4 89.4 90.5 28.5 42.3 42.1
    SAFFGCNN[39] 56.6 89.9 73.9 63.5 35.1 91.5 95 38.3 33.2 35.1
    KPConv[20] 58.8 88.8 72.7 61.3 31.6 90.5 96.0 33.4 30.2 42.5
    BAAF-Net[33] 59.9 90.9 74.4 62.2 23.6 89.8 95.4 48.7 31.8 35.5
    本文 59.4 92.0 77.4 70.1 35.2 89.7 94.4 38.4 43.7 40.3
    算法 IoU
    other-vehicle vegetation trunk terrain person bicyclist motorcyclist fense pole traffic-sign
    PointNet [6] 0.8 31.0 4.6 17.6 0.2 0.2 0 12.9 2.4 3.7
    SPG[29] 0.8 48.9 27.2 24.6 0.3 2.7 0.1 20.8 15.9 0.8
    PointNet++ [16] 0.2 46.5 13.8 30.0 0.9 1.0 0 16.9 6.0 8.9
    TangentConv[8] 12.1 79.5 49.3 58.1 23.0 28.4 8.1 49.0 35.8 28.5
    SpSequenceNet[34] 22.7 84.0 66.0 65.7 6.3 0 0 67.7 50.8 48.7
    PointASNL[35] 29.2 84.1 52.2 70.6 34.2 57.6 0 43.9 57.8 36.9
    HPGCNN[36] 23.3 84.4 65.9 70.0 32.1 30.0 14.7 65.5 45.5 41.5
    RangeNet++ [11] 23.0 80.5 55.1 64.6 38.3 38.8 4.8 58.6 47.9 55.9
    RandLA-Net[32] 38.9 81.4 61.3 66.8 49.2 48.2 7.2 56.3 49.2 47.7
    PolarNet[37] 28.5 84.0 65.5 67.8 43.2 40.2 5.6 61.3 51.8 57.5
    3D-MiniNet [38] 29.4 82.8 60.8 66.7 47.8 44.1 14.5 60.8 48.0 56.6
    SAFFGCNN[39] 28.7 84.4 67.1 69.5 45.3 43.5 7.3 66.1 54.3 53.7
    KPConv[20] 31.6 84.8 69.2 69.1 61.5 61.6 11.8 64.2 56.4 48.4
    BAAF-Net[33] 46.7 82.7 63.4 67.9 49.5 55.7 53.0 60.8 53.7 52.0
    本文 30.3 84.3 64.9 70.0 60.1 47.4 7.6 66.9 53.1 62.4
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    表  3  不同模块在S3DIS数据集上的消融实验

    Table  3.   Ablation experiments of different modules on S3DIS dataset

    Net Model-1CAM62.8
    Net Model-2SAM65.2
    Net Model-3SAM+CAM66.0
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    表  4  改进的动态图卷积模块有效性验证

    Table  4.   Effectiveness verification of improved dynamic graph convolution module

    网络模型 模块名 mIoU/%
    Net Model-4 EdgeConv++ 64.2
    Net Model-5 KPConv 64.7
    Net Model-6 KPConv+EdgeConv++ 66.0
    Net Model-7 KPConv rigid 65.4
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    表  5  核心点数量对分割结果的影响

    Table  5.   Influence of number of kernel points on segmentation results

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