Abstract:This paper studies the lifetime of software security vulnerabilities under the DevSecOps framework aiming at the conceptual confusion problem of research on software errors and software security vulnerabilities. This work provides a definition of software security vulnerability pattern together with vulnerability characteristics, and uses ontology to represent it. It is based on four scenarios of introducing vulnerabilities in the life cycle of software security vulnerabilities. An ontology is an explicit specification of a conceptualization, which can solve the problems of ambiguity, inconsistency, difficulty in sharing, and excessive dependence on personnel knowledge and experience caused by the dispersion of analysis knowledge in the field of software security vulnerability research. A three-layer model for vulnerability analysis is built, comprising the event representation layer, behavior action layer, and vulnerability technology layer, based on the study of software security vulnerability patterns and accounting for the macro event performance. The example application implements penetration testing according to the hierarchical structure of the bulit model, including security risk analysis, threat modeling, vulnerability analysis, and penetration attacks. The experimental results show that the improved penetration testing method based on the software security vulnerability pattern ontology library proposed in this paper is scientific and effective.
Key words:
- software error /
- software security vulnerabilities /
- pattern /
- ontology /
- penetration testing
表 1 软件安全漏洞分类方法比较
Table 1. Comparison of software security vulnerabilities classification methods
分类方法 特点 不足 CWE 社区开发的常见软件和硬件安全弱点列表;是弱点识别、缓解
和预防工作的基准①将软件漏洞和硬件漏洞混杂在一起,降低了信息的有效性,并容易造成二义性和不一致性问题;②仅关注漏洞本身,缺乏对整个漏洞利用链的描述和分析;③缺乏对漏洞解决方案的描述 CVE 包含了已知漏洞和安全缺陷的标准化名称的概念字典表 ①分类较为粗糙,无法对软件安全漏洞进行精准识别和分类,并容易造成二义性和不一致性问题;②仅关注漏洞本身,缺乏对整个漏洞利用链的描述和分析;③针对漏洞的解决方案较为宏观,缺乏漏洞机理层的分析 SSVP 对代码层面软件安全漏洞结构化的分类和描述;组成元素的多
供反馈,并能指导安全漏洞修正①仅考虑了代码层面的软件安全漏洞,范围较为局限;②在未来的自动化分析过程中由于涉及到漏洞利用链分析,可能导致路径爆炸问题,从而影响资源占用率和性能 表 2 IoT系统安全风险分析
Table 2. IoT system security risk analysis
风险类型 攻击点 攻击面 硬件风险 部署环境 攻击者进行盗窃、破坏;恶劣温、湿度环境;信号干扰或屏蔽 供电能力 供电可靠性不足以支撑正常运行 设备接口 存在闲置的外部接口,如联合测试工作组(joint test action group,JTAG)串口、通用异步收发器(universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter,UART)串口、晶体管-晶体管逻辑(transistor transistor logic,TTL)串口等,攻击者可以转储/重新编程闪存 接入风险 接入认证 基于媒体存取控制(media access control,MAC)或网络身份标识的身份鉴别机制失效 访问控制 终端访问控制策略不严格,造成非授权访问或控制;绕过认证环节进行远程控制;篡改用户标识实现越权访问 通信风险 保密性 敏感信息/密钥明文传输或将敏感信息/密钥明文写在固件中;安全套接层(secure sockets layer,SSL)/传输层安全(transport layer security,TLS)不可用或配置不当;有线等效保密(wired equivalent privacy,WEP)密码破解;Wi-Fi网络安全接入(Wi-Fi protected access,WPA)/WPA2爆破;个人身份识别码(personal identification number,PIN)穷举攻击(Wi-Fi保护设置(Wi-Fi protected setup,WPS)破解) 完整性 缺乏完整性校验,攻击者通过截取数据后,篡改重放 系统风险 身份鉴别 存在用户标识或身份冒用,身份鉴别存在弱口令或空口令 权限控制 存在不同用户未严格限制数据的读、写、可执行权限 固件升级 固件存在隐藏后门;远程发布恶意更新指令;固件未进行安全测试;无法验证固件合法性或真实性;固件不支持升级
功能数据风险 数据保密性 非授权用户非法取得信息导致终端本地存储的敏感或隐私信息泄露 数据完整性 恶意篡改、破坏信息输入和传输过程导致数据源无法追溯、校验 数据可用性 合法用户对信息和资源的使用被不当拒绝导致终端采集或监控的数据传输过程超
出规定造成失效 -
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