Multi-shift interferometric phase filtering method based on convolutional neural network
Abstract:To improve the performance of phase filtering in interferometric signal processing, a multi-shift interferometric phase filtering method based on convolutional neural networks is proposed. First, the phase shift principle is explained using the interferometric phase noise model. Then multiple convolutional neural network denoisers are built based on the phase shift principle and used to filter the interferometric phases with different shifts. Subsequently, a number of denoisers for convolutional neural networks are constructed using the notion of phase shift and employed to filter the interferometric phases with various shifts. Finally, multiple denoised phases are generated. The neural network is then used to calculate the pixel weights and fuse the multiple denoising results, resulting in a higher-quality result. The plenty denoising outputs are then fused and the pixel weights are calculated using the neural network to provide a higher-quality output. The simulated and real data experiments show that the proposed method retains more detail and has a lower root-mean-square error and the number of residues than the traditional methods. Experiments using both simulated and real data demonstrate that the suggested approach outperforms the conventional methods in terms of detail retention, root-mean-square error, and residue count.
表 1 Resblock ($x,y,{\textit{z}} $)模块参数
Table 1. Parameters of Resblock ($x,y,{\textit{z}} $)
卷积层 卷积核大小 步长 输入通道 输出通道 1 7×7 1×1 x y 2 7×7 1×1 y z 3 7×7 1×1 x z 注:无偏置。 表 2 子去噪网络参数
Table 2. Parameters of denoising sub-network
序号 网络模块 序号 网络模块 1 Resblock(2,4,8) 6 LeakyReLU(1/5.5) 2 LeakyReLU(1/5.5) 7 Resblock(32,16,8) 3 Resblock(8,16,32) 8 LeakyReLU(1/5.5) 4 LeakyReLU(1/5.5) 9 Resblock(8,4,2) 5 Resblock(32,64,32) 10 Tanh 表 3 各类滤波方法效果对比
Table 3. Effect comparison of various filtering methods
方法 RMSE 留数点 相干系数为0.9 相干系数为0.6 正 负 回转均值滤波 0.5116 0.5888 84 76 BM3D滤波 0.2659 0.5556 307 298 加权回转中值 0.5041 0.5682 87 80 Goldstein滤波 0.3405 0.3946 31 27 本文方法 0.1110 0.1909 8 3 注:RMSE是仿真数据,留数点是实测数据。 -
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