Abstract:In recent years, blockchain technology has been developing rapidly, and It plays a critical role in fintech, supply chain, medical health, data security and other fields. Due to friendly supervision and excellent performance, the consortium chain has become China's first choice for government and commercial blockchain. However, it is usually faced with problems such as the small number of effective nodes, low node independence, and weak sustainable development ability, which reduces the system’s reliability. We suggest the alliance model, a blockchain approach that coordinates several consortium chains to increase system stability, in light of the aforementioned issues. The model stores data by overlapping each other between chains to reduce the possibility of data tampering and ensure data recovery. In addition, we use the methods of aggregated signature and data integrity verification to solve the problems of transmission data integrity and source authenticity. In order to verify the legitimacy of reciprocal endorsement of collaborative data and to check the continuation of the sent data, we also develop an existence verification method. To confirm its efficacy, this scheme's communication, storage, and computational usage are compared to those of the current techniques.
Key words:
- blockchain /
- consortium chain /
- reliability /
- decentralization /
- data integrity /
- data authenticity
表 1 AIC关键配置项
Table 1. Key configuration items of AIC
配置项 作用 Ecert 现任信使节点当选证明 AEnvInfo 其他联盟链信使节点证书列表和路由信息 AConfigList 其他联盟链配置信息 EDataQuene 收发双方待确认、已确认数据次数映射列表 ECerList 记录每个成员近期传输证明映射列表 BlackNode 记录禁止通信的信使节点名单 BlackChain 记录作恶联盟链唯一标识列表 Miniconfig 所有联盟链确认加入同盟链模型的最低配置 表 2 不同区块链类型对比
Table 2. Comparison of different blockchain types
对比维度 公有链 私有链 联盟链 同盟链 准入机制 无 有 有 有 去中心化程度 高 低 中 较高 交易速度 低 高 高 高 监管难易 难 易 易 易 表 3 不同方案可靠性指标对比
Table 3. Comparison of reliability indicators of different schemes
方案 账本篡改
影响程度方案1 中 中 低 无 广 中 方案2 高 高 高 无 较广 小 方案3 高 高 高 有 窄 大 本方案 高 高 高 有 广 小 表 4 单节点存储量增幅
Table 4. Increment of single node storage
% 有效节点个数 方案3 本方案 6 0 0 12 53.4136 0.0024 18 112.1372 0.0048 36 275.9851 0.1205 60 495.2543 0.2169 表 5 计算开销额外总耗时
Table 5. Additional total elapsed time spent on computing overhead
s 有效节点
总耗时6 0 0 0 12 117.5411 0.2466 1.5316 18 209.2531 0.2544 1.5660 36 486.2300 0.2778 2.8357 60 855.9127 0.3090 3.8571 -
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