多数基于卷积神经网络的语义分割算法伴随庞大的参数量和计算复杂度,限制了其在实时处理场景中的应用。为解决该问题,提出了一种基于全局-局部上下文网络(GLCNet)的轻量级语义分割算法。该算法主要由全局-局部上下文(GLC)模块和多分辨率融合(MRF)模块构成。全局-局部上下文模块学习图像的全局信息和局部上下文信息,使用残差连接增强特征之间的依赖关系。在此基础上,提出了多分辨率融合模块聚合不同阶段的特征,对低分辨率特征进行上采样,与高分辨率特征融合增强高层特征的空间信息。在Cityscapes和Camvid数据集上进行测试,平均交并比(mIoU)分别达到69.89%和68.86%,在单块NVIDIA Titan V GPU上,速度分别达到87帧/s和122帧/s。实验结果表明:所提算法在分割精度、效率及参数量之间实现了较好的平衡,参数量仅有0.68×106。
Abstract:Most semantic segmentation algorithms based on convolutional neural networks have massive parameters and high computational complexity, which limit their applications in real-time processing scenarios. Therefore, this paper proposed a lightweight semantic segmentation algorithm based on a global-local context network (GLCNet). The algorithm consisted of a global-local context (GLC) module and a multi-resolution fusion (MRF) module. The GLC module learned the global and local context information of the image, in which the dependencies between features were enhanced using residual connections. On this basis, the MRF module was proposed to aggregate features at different stages. First, upsampling was performed on low-resolution features, which were then fused with high-resolution features to enhance the spatial information of higher-level features. Tests were conducted on the Cityscapes and Camvid datasets, and the mean intersection over union (mIoU) of the algorithm achieved 69.89% and 68.86%, respectively, with speeds of 87 frame/s and 122 frame/s on a single NVIDIA Titan V GPU. The experimental results show that the algorithm achieves a good balance among segmentation accuracy, efficiency, and the number of parameters, and the number of the parameters is only 0.68×106.
表 1 不同算法在Cityscapes数据集上的测试结果
Table 1. Test results of different algorithms on Cityscapes dataset
算法 骨干网络 参数量 分割速度/(帧·s−1) mIoU/% ENet[14] None 0.4×106 76.9 58.3 SegNet[40] VGG16 29.5×106 14.6 56.1 ICNet[17] PSPNet50 26.50×106 30.3 69.5 BiSeNet[20] Xception39 5.80×106 106 68.4 FSSNet[41] None 0.2×106 51 65.6 SwiftNet[43] MobileNetv2 2.4×106 27.7 69.7 EDANet[31] None 0.68×106 81 67.3 DFANet[18] Xception 4.8×106 120 67.1 ESNet[15] None 1.6×106 41.7 69.1 Fast-SCNN[37] None 1.11×106 123 68.0 LEDNet[22] None 0.91×106 71 70.6 CGNet[38] None 0.5×106 64.8 NDNet[42] None 0.5×106 40 65.3 CFPNet[45] None 0.55×106 30 70.1 BSDNet[44] Xception 1.2×106 84.6 68.3 BiSeNet V2[21] None 3.40×106 156 72.6 SGCPNet[13] MobileNet 0.61×106 178.5 69.5 本文算法 None 0.68×106 87 69.89 表 2 不同算法在Camvid数据集上的测试结果
Table 2. Test results of different algorithms on Camvid dataset
算法 骨干网络 参数量 mIoU/% ENet[14] None 0.36×106 51.3 SegNet[40] VGG16 29.50×106 55.6 BiSeNet[20] Xception39 65.6 BiSeNet[20] ResNet18 49×106 68.7 DFANet[18] Xception 7.80×106 64.7 DABNet[23] None 0.76×106 66.4 CGNet[38] None 0.5×106 65.6 RGPNet[49] None 17.7×106 66.9 FDDWNet[47] None 0.8×106 66.9 LDPNet[48] None 0.8×106 67.3 LRNNet[50] None 0.67×106 67.6 HPNet[51] None 68.0 BCPNet[52] MobileNet 0.61×106 67.8 BSDNet[44] ResNet50 22.8×106 67.8 FBSNet[46] None 0.62×106 68.9 本文算法 None 0.68×106 68.86 表 3 消融实验结果
Table 3. Ablation experiments results
模块 融合方式 MRF mIoU/% 参数量 相加 拼接 残差连接 GLC √ 66.31 0.80×106 GLC √ 67.22 0.67×106 GLC √ √ 67.39 0.67×106 (2,2,2,4,4,8,8,16,16) √ √ 67.39 0.67×106 (2,2,2,2,4,4,8,8,16) √ √ 67.25 0.67×106 (2,2,2,2,4,8,8,16,16) √ √ 67.61 0.67×106 (2,2,2,2,2,4,8,8,16,16) √ √ 67.49 0.69×106 (1,1,1,1,4,4,8,8,12) √ √ 68.15 0.67×106 GLCNet √ √ √ 68.86 0.68×106 -
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