航空运输是中国综合交通领域的重要支柱,其绿色运行的研究对于可持续发展的意义重大。以绿色优化为核心,以减少碳排放为目标,面向终端区对航空器的轨迹进行优化研究,有效减少了碳排放,并得出有效结论。探索终端区飞行对于环境的影响,建立发动机排放模型;基于现有的广播式自动相关监视(ADS-B) 数据和航空器A321机型巡航性能,对数据进行分析归纳;建立划分航段的整数规划模型,研究飞机在航段内的具体情况,结合飞机改变高度、平飞2种状态对航段区间水平距离长短进行分类讨论,得到航迹排放模型,依据模型假设和航行规则建立约束,利用粒子群优化(PSO) 算法进行求解,模型增加了高度层改变约束,优化飞行状态,减轻管制负荷,使优化后航迹的碳排放较优化前降低了8.45%。通过对比优化前后航迹发现,在减少污染物排放的目标下,连续下降的进近策略比梯度下降策略更加高效。
Abstract:Air transport is an important pillar in the field of comprehensive transportation in China, and the research on its green operation is of great significance to sustainable development. To achieve green optimization and reduce carbon emissions, the trajectory of the aircraft in the terminal area was optimized, which effectively reduced carbon emissions and drew effective conclusions. The influence of the flight in the terminal area on the environment was explored, and the engine emission model was established. Based on the existing automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast(ADS-B) data and the cruise performance of aircraft A321, the data were analyzed and summarized. An integer programming model was established to divide flight segments and study the specific circumstances of the aircraft in the flight segment. The trajectory emission model was obtained by considering the two states of changing aircraft altitude and keeping horizontal flight and discussing the length of horizontal distance between flight segments. Then, the constraints were established according to the model assumptions and navigation rules, and the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm was used to solve the problem. The model increased the altitude layer change constraint, optimized the flight state, reduced the control load, and lowered the carbon emission by 8.45% after trajectory optimization. By comparing the trajectory before and after optimization, it was found that under the goal of reducing emissions, the approach strategy of continuous descent was more efficient than the strategy of gradient descent.
Key words:
- air transport /
- terminal area /
- green operation /
- carbon emission /
- trajectory optimization
表 1 相对高度层编号对应的飞行高度层
Table 1. Flight altitude layers corresponding to relative altitude layer numbers
相对高度层编号 高度/m 1 0~900 2 900~ 1500 3 1500 ~2100 4 2100 ~2700 5 2700 ~3300 6 3300 ~3900 7 3900 ~4500 8 4500 ~5100 9 5100 ~5700 10 5700 ~6300 11 6300 ~6900 12 6900 ~7500 表 2 航班进近过程的ADS-B数据
Table 2. ADS-B data of flight approach process
时刻 航向/(°) 速度/(km·h−1) 高度/m 下降率/(m·s−1) 12:47:42 25 708 7468 −292 12:49:46 25 689 6828 −465 12:50:56 25 666 6149 −595 12:51:29 25 653 5814 −588 12:52:46 25 634 5075 −554 12:54:07 25 581 4511 −315 12:56:41 25 562 3932 −174 13:00:47 327 523 3330 −143 13:03:23 327 505 2629 −443 13:07:00 329 478 2247 −410 13:09:00 332 394 1849 −389 13:11:00 333 372 1363 −362 13:13:00 336 288 10 −312 表 3 A321各高度层发动机参数与飞行性能数据
Table 3. A321 engine parameters and flight performance data at different altitudes
高度/m 相对高度层编号 爬升功率/(kg·s−1) 飞行速度/(m·s−1) 平飞功率/(kg·s−1) 爬升率/(m·s−1) 下降功率/(kg·s−1) 下降率/(m·s−1) 900 1 1.56 83.33 4.60 9.86 0.38 11.45 1500 2 1.77 105.56 4.48 9.04 0.37 11.50 2100 3 1.91 133.60 4.36 4.84 0.37 12.48 2700 4 2.00 140.28 4.23 4.24 0.36 12.10 3300 5 2.08 145.28 4.11 6.96 0.35 12.55 3900 6 2.14 156.11 3.99 5.38 0.35 10.16 4500 7 2.18 161.39 3.86 3.21 0.34 9.34 5100 8 2.20 176.11 3.74 5.88 0.33 11.10 5700 9 2.18 181.39 3.61 4.25 0.32 10.78 6300 10 2.14 185.00 3.48 7.87 0.32 13.48 6900 11 2.06 191.39 3.35 5.61 0.31 13.87 7500 12 1.94 196.67 3.23 3.50 0.30 11.33 -
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