Weak supervision detection method for pin-missing bolts of transmission lines based on SAW-PCL
Abstract:Bolt is an indispensable fastener in the transmission line, and a pin-missing bolt will inevitably cause major safety hazards. Since the bolt target is small, and the annotation is difficult, a weak supervision detection method for pin-missing bolts of transmission lines based on SAW-PCL was proposed, and the bolt target could be located through image-level annotation information. The convolutional block attention module (CBAM) was introduced into the main network to suppress useless background features, extract fine features of bolts, and improve the detection capability of bolts. In view of the imbalance problem that the detection accuracy of the pin-missing bolt was far lower than that of the normal bolt in the weak supervision detection, an self-adaptation weighted loss function (SAW) was proposed to dynamically adjust the learning degree of the model for different categories of samples, balance the detection accuracy between different categories, and focus on the problem of pin-missing bolts. Moreover, the average detection precision difference among classes (ADPD) was defined to evaluate this imbalance. The constructed SAW could improve the detection accuracy of pin-missing bolts and had a certain ability to balance the detection accuracy of normal bolts and pin-missing bolts. The defined average detection precision difference among classes could be used to evaluate the balance of the detection performance of the model. The experimental results on the self-built dataset V1 show that the mean average precision (mAP) of the improved algorithm is increased by 19.7%, and the ADPD value is reduced by 21.8. The model under the evaluation of indexes mAP and ADPD shows better detection ability of pin-missing bolts.
表 1 螺栓缺陷检测数据集V1
Table 1. Dataset V1 for pin-missing bolt detection
类别 训练集图像数量 测试集图像数量 正常螺栓 1089 274 缺销螺栓 1736 450 表 2 螺栓缺陷检测数据集V2
Table 2. Dataset V2 for pin-missing bolt detection
类别 训练集图像数量 测试集图像数量 正常螺栓 1089 274 可见销子缺失螺栓 657 170 不可见销子缺失螺栓 1079 280 表 3 不同β 取值在测试集上mAP和ADPD对比
Table 3. Comparison of mAP and ADPD on test set with different β values
β AP/% mAP/% ADPD 正常螺栓 缺销螺栓 5 37.8 11.2 24.5 26.6 4 40.1 11.2 25.7 28.9 3 31.5 10.1 20.8 21.4 2 20.8 9.0 14.9 11.8 1 34.3 24.2 29.2 10.1 表 4 不同损失函数在测试集上mAP和ADPD对比
Table 4. Comparison of mAP and ADPD of different loss functions on test set
方法 AP/% mAP/% ADPD 正常螺栓 缺销螺栓 PCL模型 33.3 6.0 19.6 27.3 PCL模型+
加权损失函数49.2 16.1 32.7 33.1 SAW-PCL模型 34.3 24.2 29.2 10.1 表 5 在数据集V2上mAP和ADPD对比
Table 5. Comparison of mAP and ADPD on dataset V2
方法 AP/% mAP/% ADPD 正常螺栓 可见销子
缺失螺栓PCL模型 24.3 6.3 18.2 16.3 12.0 SAW-PCL模型 35.8 28.2 21.6 28.5 9.5 表 6 在模型上添加CBAM模块进行的实验结果对比
Table 6. Comparison of experimental results by adding CBAM to model
方法 AP/% mAP/% ADPD 正常螺栓 缺销螺栓 PCL模型+CBAM 39.8 7.8 23.8 32.0 SAW-PCL模型+CBAM 42.0 36.5 39.3 5.5 -
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