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邹一波 李涛 陈明 葛艳 赵林林

邹一波,李涛,陈明,等. 基于多任务监督学习的室内空间布局估计模型[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(11):3327-3337 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0834
引用本文: 邹一波,李涛,陈明,等. 基于多任务监督学习的室内空间布局估计模型[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(11):3327-3337 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0834
ZOU Y B,LI T,CHEN M,et al. Indoor spatial layout estimation model based on multi-task supervised learning[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(11):3327-3337 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0834
Citation: ZOU Y B,LI T,CHEN M,et al. Indoor spatial layout estimation model based on multi-task supervised learning[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(11):3327-3337 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0834


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0834
基金项目: 上海市科技创新计划(20dz1203800)


  • 中图分类号: V221+.3;TB553

Indoor spatial layout estimation model based on multi-task supervised learning

Funds: Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Action Planning (20dz1203800)
More Information
  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  室内空间布局估计任务示例

    Figure 1.  Examples of indoor spatial layout estimation task

    图 2  多任务监督学习的网络架构

    Figure 2.  Network architecture of multi-task supervised learning

    图 3  编码器的主要结构

    Figure 3.  Main architecture of encoder

    图 4  解码器的主要结构

    Figure 4.  Main architecture of decoder

    图 5  室内空间布局数据的语义分割和语义边缘

    Figure 5.  Semantic segmentation and sematic edge of indoor spatial layout data

    图 6  本文方法在LSUN数据集上的表现

    Figure 6.  Performance of the proposed method on LSUN dataset

    图 7  本文方法在LSUN数据集上效果欠佳的示例

    Figure 7.  Poor performance of the proposed method on LSUN dataset

    图 8  本文方法在Hedau数据集上的表现

    Figure 8.  Performance of the proposed method on Hedau dataset

    图 9  引入多任务监督学习前后的视觉对比结果

    Figure 9.  Visual comparison results before and after introduction of multi-task supervised learning

    表  1  编码器和解码器的相关参数信息

    Table  1.   Relevant parameters of encoder and decoder

    模块 层次编号 模块类型 输入特征层 输出特征层 步长 采样率
    1 DSBlock 3×512×512 32×256×256 2
    2 IRBlock 32×256×256 16×256×256 1
    3~4 IRBlock 16×256×256 24×128×128 2
    5~7 IRBlock 24×128×128 32×64×64 2
    8~11 IRBlock 32×64×64 64×64×64 2
    12~14 IRBlock 64×64×64 96×64×64 1
    编码器 15~17 IRBlock 96×64×64 160×64×64 2
    18 IRBlock 160×64×64 320×64×64 1
    19 DSCBlock 320×64×64 256×64×64 1 1
    20 DSCBlock 320×64×64 256×64×64 1 6
    21 DSCBlock 320×64×64 256×64×64 1 12
    22 DSCBlock 320×64×64 256×64×64 1 8
    23 IPBlock 320×64×64 256×64×64 1
    1 SCBlock 24×128×128 48×128×128 1
    2 CCBlock 304×128×128 256×128×128 1
    解码器 3-1 SegBlock 256×128×128 5×128×128 1
    3-2 TEdgeBlock 256×128×128 1×128×128 1
    3-3 AEdgeBlock 256×128×128 5×128×128 1
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    表  2  LSUN数据集上本文方法与现有方法的对比

    Table  2.   Comparison between the proposed method and existing methods on LSUN dataset

    方法 像素误差/% 是否采用端到端方法
    文献[7] 24.23 ×
    文献[36] 16.71 ×
    文献[37] 10.63 ×
    RoomNet[24] 9.86
    CFILF[22] 9.31
    文献[27] 7.79
    文献[28] 7.99
    本文 7.54
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    表  3  Hedau数据集上本文方法与现有方法的对比

    Table  3.   Comparison between the proposed method and existing methods on Hedau dataset

    方法 像素误差/% 是否采用端到端方法
    文献[7] 21.20 ×
    文献[36] 12.83 ×
    文献[37] 9.73 ×
    RoomNet[24] 8.36
    CFILF[22] 8.67
    文献[27] 7.44
    本文 7.08
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    表  4  消融实验中本文方法各模块的优化结果

    Table  4.   Optimization results of each module by the proposed method in ablation experiments

    基准 改进
    参数量/MB 单图预测
    × × × 209.6 45 11.15
    × × 22.1 26 11.34
    × × 209.8 46 8.41
    × 22.4 28 8.63
    22.4 28 7.54
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