紧急事件发生后,不同自动驾驶水平下驾驶人的状态恢复对交通安全有重要影响。为研究自动驾驶水平对紧急事件后驾驶人工作负荷和驾驶绩效稳定时间的影响,提出了基于样本均值置信区间的信号稳定时间计算方法,设计并开展了手动驾驶(MD)、自适应巡航控制(ACC)和高级自动驾驶(HAD)3个自动驾驶水平与前车制动、前车换道2种紧急事件的模拟驾驶试验。试验有效被试者为53人,结果表明,相比于MD,HAD条件下2种紧急事件的心率稳定时间平均增加了4.56 s。自动驾驶水平对前车制动紧急事件后车辆速度、合成加速度和车道位置标准差稳定时间的影响均不显著,相比于MD,ACC和HAD条件下,前车换道紧急事件后驾驶绩效的稳定时间平均分别增加了3.2 s和5 s。研究成果对自动驾驶控制权切换模式和切换时刻的设计提供了理论依据。
Abstract:Despite an absence of pertinent studies, the stabilization of drivers’ states following crucial incidents at varied automation degrees has a significant impact on traffic safety. In order to investigate the effects of automation levels on the stabilization time of drivers’ workload and driving performance, a method for acquiring signal stabilization time was proposed based on the confidence interval of sample mean value. A driving simulation was carried out that featured two crucial events (lead vehicle deceleration and lead vehicle lane changing) and three automation levels manual driving (MD), adaptive cruise control (ACC), and highly automated (HAD) driving. The effective data was collected from 53 participants. The results showed that compared to MD, heart rate stabilization time after the two critical events significantly increased 4.56 s. Moreover, automation levels did not show significant differences in speed, resultant acceleration and standard deviation of lane position of the vehicle after the lead vehicle deceleration. Following the lead vehicle’s lane changing event, the driving performance stabilization time increased by an average of 3.2 s and 5 s in the ACC and HAD conditions when compared to MD. The results provide a theoretical basis for the design of mode and time during the control transition of automated driving.
表 1 被试者工作负荷稳定时间结果
Table 1. Participants’ workload stabilization time results
自动驾驶水平 前车制动后
心率稳定时间/sMD 14.56±4.41 15.38±5.846 ACC 16.62±6.14 15.94±6.762 HAD 18.75±6.41 20.31±6.839 表 2 被试者驾驶绩效稳定时间结果
Table 2. Participants’ driving performance stabilization time results
自动驾驶水平 前车制动后车辆速度稳定时间/s 前车换道后车辆速度稳定时间/s 前车制动后合成加速度稳定时间/s 前车换道后合成加速度稳定时间/s 前车制动后车道位置标准差 MD 15 13 19 15 16 ACC 16 19 21 20 18 HAD 20 20 18 25 20 -
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