针对航空发动机热端部件表面瞬态热流测量的问题,面向一种当前较为先进的横向测温差薄膜热流计结构,针对其瞬态测量的导热模型,在稳态测量原理方程中加入时间项,建立瞬态导热微分方程组,采用拉普拉斯变换方法并结合解卷积方法对导热方程进行求解,提出该型薄膜热流计瞬态条件下的表面热流测量方法;采用数值模拟手段,对所提方法进行验证。结果表明:所提方法突破了原始的稳态测量局限,可用于固体表面瞬态热流测量,计算得到的热流计表面热流与真实值符合较好;在表面阶跃热流条件下,测量精度约为8.2%;在100 Hz正弦热流条件下,测量精度约为4.0%。
Abstract:Regarding the issue of transient heat flux measurement on the surface of hot end components of aero-engine, for an advanced thin-film heat flux sensor with a transverse temperature difference measurement structure, differential equations of transient thermal conductivity were established by adding the time term into the transient thermal conductivity model. The Laplace transform method and the deconvolution method were used to solve the thermal conductivity equations. The transient surface heat flow measurement method of the thin-film heat flux sensor was obtained and verified by numerical simulations. The results show that this method breaks through the limitation of the original steady state measurement and is suitable for the transient heat flow measurements on solid surfaces. The calculated surface heat flow of the heat flow meter is in good agreement with the true value. In particular, under the condition of surface step heat flow, the measurement accuracy is about 8.2%. Under the condition of sinusoidal heat flow at 100 Hz, the measurement accuracy is about 4.0%.
表 1 物性参数
Table 1. Physical property parameters
材料 密度/
(J·(kg·K)−1)Al2O3 3960 35.0 850 SiO2 2220 1.5 745 -
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