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张鑫 王子婷 白超平 张帅 孙越强

张鑫,王子婷,白超平,等. 空间低速直驱伺服系统低频谐波电流分析与抑制[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(12):3603-3614 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0907
引用本文: 张鑫,王子婷,白超平,等. 空间低速直驱伺服系统低频谐波电流分析与抑制[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(12):3603-3614 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0907
ZHANG X,WANG Z T,BAI C P,et al. Analysis and suppression of low-frequency harmonic current in space low-speed direct-driven servo system[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(12):3603-3614 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0907
Citation: ZHANG X,WANG Z T,BAI C P,et al. Analysis and suppression of low-frequency harmonic current in space low-speed direct-driven servo system[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(12):3603-3614 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0907


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0907


  • 中图分类号: V442

Analysis and suppression of low-frequency harmonic current in space low-speed direct-driven servo system

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  • 图 1  齿槽转矩作用下的双闭环伺服系统

    Figure 1.  Double closed loop servo system under action of cogging torque

    图 2  中心电流电气角更新与机械角赋值算法

    Figure 2.  Electrical angle update and mechanical angle assignment algorithm for center current

    图 3  转速环并联QPR控制器前后系统波特图

    Figure 3.  Baud diagram of system before and after parallel QPR controller in speed loop

    图 4  连续和离散QPR控制器波特图

    Figure 4.  Baud diagrams for continuous and discrete QPR controllers

    图 5  加入CC-EUMA算法前后相电流的仿真

    Figure 5.  Simulation of phase current before and after adding CC-EUMA algorithm

    图 6  加入CC-EUMA算法前后转速的仿真

    Figure 6.  Simulation of speed before and after adding CC-EUMA algorithm

    图 7  加入CC-EUMA算法前后转速FFT的仿真

    Figure 7.  Simulation of speed FFT before and after adding CC-EUMA algorithm

    图 8  加入SL-DQPR算法前后转速的仿真

    Figure 8.  Simulation of speed before and after adding SL-DQPR algorithm

    图 9  加入SL-DQPR算法前后转速FFT的仿真

    Figure 9.  Simulation of speed FFT before and after adding SL-DQPR algorithm

    图 10  空间低速直驱伺服系统实验平台

    Figure 10.  Experimental platform of space low speed direct-driven servo system

    图 11  PMSM空间低速直驱伺服系统控制架构

    Figure 11.  Control structure of PMSM space low-speed direct-driven servo system

    图 12  前后180°机械角下的A相拟合电流

    Figure 12.  A-phase fitted currents at front and rear 180°mechanical angles

    图 13  加入CC-EUMA算法前后相电流的实测图

    Figure 13.  Measured diagram of phase currents before and after adding CC-EUMA algorithm

    图 14  加入CC-EUMA算法前后转速与转速FFT的实测图

    Figure 14.  Measured diagram of speed and speed FFT before and after adding CC-EUMA algorithm

    图 15  高速与低速下的转速FFT

    Figure 15.  Speed FFT at high speed and low speed

    图 16  加入SL-DQPR算法前后转速与转速FFT的实测图

    Figure 16.  Measured diagram of speed and speed FFT before and after adding SL-DQPR algorithm

    表  1  连续和离散QPR控制器参数

    Table  1.   Continuous and discrete QPR controller parameters

    ${T_{\mathrm {s}}}$/ms ${k_{\mathrm {p}}}$ ${k_{\mathrm {r}}}$ ${f_1}$/Hz ${f_{{\mathrm{c}}1}}$/Hz ${f_2}$/Hz ${f_{{\mathrm{c}}2}}$/Hz
    0.2 1 20 2 0.1 15 0.75
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    表  2  PMSM仿真参数

    Table  2.   PMSM simulation parameters

    ${T_{\mathrm {e}}}$/(N·m) $J$/(kg·m2) $L$/mH $R$/Ω $p/$对
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    表  3  SVPWM仿真参数

    Table  3.   SVPWM simulation parameters

    ${U_{{\mathrm {dc}}}}$/V $T$/μs ${T_{\mathrm {s}}}$/μs ${T_{\mathrm {d}}}$/μs
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