Analysis and suppression of low-frequency harmonic current in space low-speed direct-driven servo system
Abstract:The output torque of the motor direct-driven servo system acts directly on the load, due to chip process defects, phase inductance, detection circuit asymmetry and other factors, motor stator slotting and other factors, the first and second harmonics of phase current and tooth harmonic will directly affect the stability of electromagnetic torque. The first step in enhancing the system’s low-speed smoothness is identifying the root causes of the three different kinds of low-frequency harmonics. Second, in order to enhance the harmonic suppression capability in cases when the magnetic circuit is not ideal, a unique electrical angle update and mechanical angle assignment algorithm for center current (CC-EUMA) is presented for the first harmonic.For the second harmonic and tooth harmonic, the double quasi-proportional resonant control algorithm for speed loop (SL-DQPR) is proposed, which has the advantages of both strong anti-disturbance ability and low tuning difficulties while filtering harmonics. Finally, the effectiveness of the two algorithms is verified by simulation and experiment. After adding these algorithms, the tracking error of the motor in no-load operation is reduced to one-third of the original, which realizes the smooth operation of the system with limited hardware resource overhead and provides a new idea for the low-speed control of the space direct drive servo system. The tracking error of the motor in no-load operation is reduced to one-third of its original value once these algorithms are included, allowing the system to operate smoothly with less hardware resource overhead and offering a fresh concept for the low-speed management of space direct drive servo system.
表 1 连续和离散QPR控制器参数
Table 1. Continuous and discrete QPR controller parameters
${T_{\mathrm {s}}}$/ms ${k_{\mathrm {p}}}$ ${k_{\mathrm {r}}}$ ${f_1}$/Hz ${f_{{\mathrm{c}}1}}$/Hz ${f_2}$/Hz ${f_{{\mathrm{c}}2}}$/Hz 0.2 1 20 2 0.1 15 0.75 表 2 PMSM仿真参数
Table 2. PMSM simulation parameters
${T_{\mathrm {e}}}$/(N·m) $J$/(kg·m2) $L$/mH $R$/Ω $p/$对 0 1.48×10−5 2.3 1.66 1 表 3 SVPWM仿真参数
Table 3. SVPWM simulation parameters
${U_{{\mathrm {dc}}}}$/V $T$/μs ${T_{\mathrm {s}}}$/μs ${T_{\mathrm {d}}}$/μs 12 200 0.2 0.2 -
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