Thickness correction by lifting surface method and its application in morphing simulation of folding wing
Abstract:Calculating hinge moments during the morphing process is a critical link in the aircraft design with a folding wing. Existing simulations mostly use the traditional lifting surface method for aerodynamic modeling, which ignores the influence of the airfoil thickness and causes a great calculation error. This paper introduced a steady high-order panel method that considered the airfoil thickness and presented an aerodynamic modeling strategy using the high-order panel method to modify the thickness of the lifting surface method. The modified aerodynamic model was then coupled with the flexible multibody model and the flight control model to simulate the flight morphing process of a folding wing. The results show that the modified aerodynamic model can effectively consider the airfoil thickness, and the calculation error of the hinge moment is less than 5%.
表 1 展开构型的主要几何参数
Table 1. Main geometric parameters of unfolding configuration
质量m/kg 重心坐标xcg/m 转动惯量Iy/(kg·m2) 823 (2.45, 0, 0) 5475 表 2 计算时间对比
Table 2. Comparison of calculation time
气动力计算方法 计算耗时/h CFD方法(求解Euler方程)[10] 151 本文修正升力面法 0.6 -
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